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    求助文章 The Search for Common Ground Part I. Lexical Performance by Linguistically Diverse Learners Jennifer Windsor 1 Kathryn Kohnert 1
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    求助 LFP program

    回复: 求助 LFP program Professor Xu: Thanks for your reply. Would you please tell me which LP program can distinguish homographies when the langauge frequency profile of compositions is measured?
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    求助 LFP program

    求助 LFP program, 请专家告知LFP program用起来有何不足之处?谢谢!
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    1.Engber, C. (1995). The relationship of lexical proficiency and the quality of ESL compositions. Journal of Second Language Writing, 4(2), 139-155. 2.Nation, P. and A. Heatley. 1996. VocabProfile,. Word and Range: Programs for Processing Text. LALS, Victoria University of Wellington. 谢谢!
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    Many thanks to uqcaven ! I received the two articles! Thank you again!

    Many thanks to uqcaven ! I received the two articles! Thank you again!
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    回复: 提供文献服务 欲求laufer,B的两篇文章,谢谢! 1.Laufer, B. & P. Nation. (1995). Vocabulary Size and Use: Lexical Richness in L2 Written Production[J]. Applied Linguistics, 3: 307- 322. 2. Laufer, B. (1994). The Lexical Profile of Second Language Writing: Does It Change over Time[J]. RELC Journal, 25. [4