
  1. C

    老师,您好! 向您求教 这句话怎么翻译啊  “道有本有末。本者,万物之所以生也。末者,万物之所以成也。呵呵, 我论文用的

    老师,您好! 向您求教 这句话怎么翻译啊  “道有本有末。本者,万物之所以生也。末者,万物之所以成也。呵呵, 我论文用的
  2. C

    老师,您好! 向您求教 这句话怎么翻译啊  “道有本有末。本者,万物之所以生也。末者,万物之所以成也。呵呵, 我论文用的

    老师,您好! 向您求教 这句话怎么翻译啊  “道有本有末。本者,万物之所以生也。末者,万物之所以成也。呵呵, 我论文用的
  3. C


    老师 从哪里可以弄到这本书Lexis in Contrast Lexis in Contrast Corpus-based approaches @import "/js/dtk/dojox/image/resources/Lightbox.css"; .dijitDialogUnderlay { background-color:black; height:100%; left:0; opacity:0.5; filter: alpha(opacity=50); -moz-opacity: 0.5; -khtml-opacity: 0.5...
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    上海交大 考博

    回复: 上海交大 考博 究竟公平与否 试试就知道哦 现在的学术
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    求Computer-assisted Text and Corpus Analysis

    回复: 求一本书——Computer-assisted Text and Corpus Analysis 这本书Computer-assisted Text and Corpus Analysis 能发给我一份吗 c.wz1129@163.com 最近忙做论文呢 先谢谢您了哦
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    有关一本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teaching

    回复: 有关一本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teach 大家好 忙于做论文 需作参考 若您手头有着本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teach 能否发给俺哦 c.wz1129@163.com 俺的QQ 421497804 谢谢您了
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    有关一本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teaching

    回复: 有关一本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teach 大家好 忙于做论文 需作参考 若您手头有着本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teach 能否发给俺哦 c.wz1129@163.com 谢谢您了
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    求助:谁有电子版的Words and Phrases: Corpus Studies of Lexical Semantics (by Michael Stubbs)?

    求助:谁有电子版的Words and Phrases: Corpus Studies of Lexical Semantics (by Michael Stubb 求助:谁有电子版的Words and Phrases: Corpus Studies of Lexical Semantics (by Michael Stubbs)? 如果有,请给我发一份到邮箱c.wz1129@163.com. 先谢过了!
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    求助:谁有电子版的Words and Phrases: Corpus Studies of Lexical Semantics (by Michael Stubbs)?

    回复: 求助:谁有电子版的Words and Phrases: Corpus Studies of Lexical Semantics (by Michael Stubb 谁有电子版的Words and Phrases: Corpus Studies of Lexical Semantics (by Michael Stubbs)? 如果有,请给我发一份到邮箱c.wz1129@163.com. 先谢过了!