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    About the Corpus Linguistics Summer Institute

    That's a wonderful idea! I like it!!!
  2. C


    好的, 知道了. 节后就去查.
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    很感谢Dr. Xu. 不幸的是我没有权限进入EBSCO databases, 在国图中也只能找到Written Communication, 没查到另外两种期刊.
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    Thanks a lot for the clarification of the two concepts. Dr. Xu and xiaoz's explanation also give me some new ideas about the two concepts. But here, I also ask for some help from all of you. At present I am struggling to find a topic for my coming thesis. I am interested in corpus-based...
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    最近看有关academic discourse的文献, 其中提到genre和register两个概念, 我查了一些语言学的书, 但仍然觉得自己理解的不够清楚, 请大家帮忙看看. 能否比较清楚地解释一下这两个概念. 谢谢啦!!!
  6. C

    Free GoTagger Recommended

    I see. Thanks a lot.
  7. C

    Free GoTagger Recommended

    I see. Thanks a lot.
  8. C

    Free GoTagger Recommended

    Thanks a lot for your providing this software. Yet I'm still a bit confused at it. I proceeded it, but I found nothing in the RESULT section. Why???