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    求The Search for Units of Meaning

    求这篇文章 Sinclair, J. The search for units of meaning. Textus, 1996, Ix: 75-106
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    求文献 Mood and modality

    求Palmer的一本书。不知哪位同志有能帮帮忙呢?谢谢了。 Palmer, F. R. 2001. Mood and modality. Cambridge University Press. 世图似乎引进了这本书,但是我在网上看要不缺货,要不没有。
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    回复: 怎样检索it作that从句的外置主语或宾语 但是IT做外置主语不仅It +be+adj +that 这种情况,还有It +be +a(an)+n+tha, It +v+that 等等情况。这个怎么办呢?
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    回复: AntConc打不开ToRCH语料库的文本 不好意思,弱弱地问一下,ToRCH是什么语料库?这里的好多东西度娘也无能啊。
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    关于keyword的reference corpus的小疑惑

    回复: 关于keyword的reference corpus的小疑惑 难得有教程能够让我们边看边笑。 亮哥实在是专业,热心肠又幽默。:)
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    新手一枚,求助: 怎样在BYU-BNC页面,或者是运用AntConc检索it作that 从句的外置主语和宾语,如It is surprising that he won the game. I should make it clear that you have to take all the responsibility for your decision.
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    [原创]Introspection, elicitatition & corpus

    回复: [原创]Introspection, elicitatition & corpus Xiaoz: I'm really ashamed of asking for your help again and again. But could you please paste the link or send the article to my email box? Thank you.
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    Grammaticality judgements, intuitions and corpora

    回复: Grammaticality judgements, intuitions and corpora xiaoz : I'm now eager for the aricle. The link does not work now. Can you send it to my email box? gly_818@163.comReally appreciate for your generosity and kindness.
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    Corpus and Grammar: What It Isn"t

    回复: Corpus and Grammar: What It Isn"t Dr. Xu: The PDF link is not available now.Can you paste it again? Thank you for your generosity.
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    求John Sinclair的文献,同时分享Susan Huntson的文章

    求几本John Sinclair的书,不知哪位有没有?有些书实在太难找了,可是引用率太高。 Sinclair, J. 2004. Trust the Text. London:Routledge. Sinclair, J. 2003. Reading Concordances. London: Pearson Education Limited. Sinclair, J. 2004. How to Use Corpora in Language Teaching. Jonhn Benjamins
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    桂诗春 英语语言学语料库ECOL

    回复: 桂诗春 英语语言学语料库ECOL 这些花了大量人力物力建立起来的语料库因为版权问题不能共享,只能供极少数人研究用,岂不是没有充分发挥它的作用?那么建这些语料库的意义何在?
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    John R. Firth. Modes of meaning 1957

    回复: John R. Firth. Modes of meaning 1957 Xiaoz, you are so so so kind and helpful to me. These articles are too old and not eaay to find. Millions of thanks.
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    John R. Firth. Modes of meaning 1957

    回复: John R. Firth. Modes of meaning 1957 许博士太好了。顺便问一下许博士,有没有Firth的其它文献,比如 Firth, J.R. 1957. Papers in Linguistics:1934-1951. London:Oxford University Press. Palmer F. (ed). 1951. (reprinted in 1957). Selected papers of J.R.Firth 1952-59. London:Longman. 若有能否分享一下,不甚感激。
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    求Keywords and frequent phrases of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice: A corpus-stylist

    回复: 求Keywords and frequent phrases of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice: A corpus-sty 西南大学的夏云?
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    回复: 求助:关于近义词搭配 多谢多谢。要是没有这些好心人,我们这种学校图书馆几乎连外文数据库都不买的人怎么办?