[求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC?

回复:[求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC?

以下是引用 xiaoz2006-4-19 22:15:01 的发言:
Here is the CLEC detagger: http://www.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2006041922140567.zip
Install Perl and put the unzipped file in the CLEC text folder and double on it.

以下是引用 singer2006-4-19 20:19:30 的发言:
How to remove the error tags in CLEC?I want to use it as a plain text.
I unzipped the CLEC detagger and it appeared like this:
opendir (DIR, ".") or die "Could not open the current #directory";
@files=grep (/\bST\d\.txt/i, readdir (DIR));
closedir (DIR);

foreach $file (sort (@files))
print "Processing $file\n";
open (FHI, "$file") or die "Could not open $file";
open (FHO, ">$output") or die "Could not open $output";

while ($line=<FHI>)
$line=~s/\< *ST +\S+\>//ig;
$line=~s/\< *Y +\S+\>//ig;
$line=~s/\< *Y +\S+\. *\S*\>//ig;
$line=~s/\< *AGE +\S+\>//ig;
$line=~s/\< *SEX +\S+\>//ig;
$line=~s/\< *WAY +\S+\>//ig;
$line=~s/\< *TYP +\S+\>//ig;
$line=~s/\< *TYP \S+ \S+\>//ig;
$line=~s/\<TYP \>//ig;
Still not clear about what to do. And I never used Perl before.Are there any other easy-to-use ways to do it?Thanks for your reply.
Download (free) and install Perl: http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/?mp=1

Then follow the steps below:
1) Make a new directory on the machine;
2) COPY the selected files to the dir;
3) Unzip the perl script into the same dir;
4) Double click the program file

A new file will be created for each selected file, starting with "new". These new files are what you want.

Warning: This program only works with CLEC files.
回复:[求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC?

以下是引用 singer2006-4-19 20:19:30 的发言:
How to remove the error tags in CLEC?I want to use it as a plain text.


how to make a clean text of CLEC?


how to make a clean text of CLEC?


回复: 回复:[求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC?


how to make a clean text of CLEC?

利用李老师的方法在第一步中直接键入: (\[*\]) 点击"全部替换" 即可. 刚请教过一位计算机的老师,很好用的.
回复: 回复:[求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC?

利用李老师的方法在第一步中直接键入: (\[*\]) 点击"全部替换" 即可. 刚请教过一位计算机的老师,很好用的.

回覆: [求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC?

Download (free) and install Perl: http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/?mp=1

Then follow the steps below:
1) Make a new directory on the machine;
2) COPY the selected files to the dir;
3) Unzip the perl script into the same dir;
4) Double click the program file

A new file will be created for each selected file, starting with "new". These new files are what you want.

Warning: This program only works with CLEC files.

Dr. Xiaoz:
I have installed PERL and followed the steps above.
But the Detagger Tool did not work at all.
Is there anything wrong?
回复: 回覆: [求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC?

The detagger you tried was for removing tags from CLEC corpus only. If you data looks like word_tag or word/tag or <tag>word, or <w POS="tag">word</w>, then you will need to try other scripts available at the site, or modify one of the scripts yourself.

Dr. Xiaoz:
I have installed PERL and followed the steps above.
But the Detagger Tool did not work at all.
Is there anything wrong?
回复: 回复:[求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC?


how to make a clean text of CLEC?

