
请教一下大学生词汇能力测试的不同版本有什麽区别: Nation(1990), Nation & Laufer(1990), Read(2000),Qian& Schedl (2004)

一般情况下消极词汇和积极词汇是怎么测试的, 产出性词汇和接受性词汇又是通过什么测试的?

我想做非英语专业大学生词汇能力和学习策略的关系, 不知道话题是不是太老, 可否指导下
回复: 请教词汇测试问题

  1. Levels Test: Recognition
    * 1k, Form 1, 1k, Form 2 (Nation, 2001; interactive + print)
    * 2k - 10k (Nation, 1990; interactive + print)
    * 2k - 10k (Schmitts & Clapham, 2001; print)</B>
    * 1-14k Levels Test (Nation, 2007; print;
  2. Levels Test: Productive
    * Test Menu (Laufer & Nation, 1999; 5 levels, 3 forms; interactive; no convenient print)
  3. Word Associates Test (Read, 1998; interactive + print)
  4. Yes-No Test http://www.lextutor.ca/tests/yes_no_eng/test_1(Meara, 1992; interactive + print)
我还是不怎么明白上面的若干侧重于哪些方面 能详细点介绍下吗 非常感谢
回复: 请教词汇测试问题

[/LIST]我还是不怎么明白上面的若干侧重于哪些方面 能详细点介绍下吗 非常感谢[/QUOT]
you are now in a position to read the manual on this website all by yourself and are also supposed to well understand the functions of all these tests and tools.
回复: 请教词汇测试问题

今天看了下,觉得挺实用的,但是没有答案。 我于是自己做了下,提供答案如下:

2000 words level
1. I'm glad we had this opportunity to talk.
2. There are a dozen eggs in the basket.
3. Every working person must pay income tax
4. The pirates buried the treasure on a desert island.
5. Her beauty and charm had a powerful effect on men.
6. Lack of rain led to a shortage of water in the city.
7. He takes cream and sugar in his coffee.
8. The rich man died and left all his wealth to his son.
9. Pupils must hand in their papers by the end of the week.
10. This sweater is too tight. It needs to be stretched
11. Ann introduced her boyfriend to her mother.
12. Teenagers often admire and worship pop singers.
13. If you blow up that balloon any more it will burst
14. In order to be accepted into the university, he had to improve his grades.
15. The telegram was delivered two hours after it had been sent.
16. The differences were so slight that they went unnoticed.
17. The dress you're wearing is lovely
18. He wasn't very popular when he was a teenager, but he has many friends now.

3000 Level
1. He has a successful career as a lawyer.
2. The thieves threw acid in his face and made him blind.
3. To improve the country's economy, the government decided on economic reform.
4. She wore a beautiful green gown to the ball.
5. The government tried to protect the country's industry by reducing the import of cheap goods.
6. The children's games were amusing at first, but finally got on the parents' nerve.
7. The lawyer gave some wise counsel to his client.
8. Many people in England mow the lawn of their houses on Sunday morning.
9. The farmer sells the eggs that his hen lays.
10. Sudden noises at night scare me a lot.
11. France was proclaimed a republic in the 18th century.
12. Many people are injured in road accidents every year.
13. Suddenly he was thrust into the dark room.
14. He percieved a light at the end of the tunnel.
15. Children are not independent. They are attached to their parents.
16. She showed off her slender figure in a long narrow dress.
17. She has been changing partners often because she cannot have a stable relationship with one person.
18. You must wear a bathing suit on a public beach. You're not allowed to bath naked.

5000 Level
1. Soldiers usually swear an oath of loyalty to their country.
2. The voter placed the ballot in the box.
3. They keep their valuables in a vault at the bank.
4. A bird perched at the window ledge.
5. The kitten is playing with a ball of yarn.
6. The thieves have forced an entry into the building.
7. The small hill was really a burial mound.
8. We decided to celebrate New Year's EVE together.
9. The soldier was asked to choose between infantry and cavalry.
10. This is a complex problem that is difficult to comprehend.
11. The angry crowd shoved the prisoner as he was leaving the court.
12. Don't pay attention to this rude remark. Just ignore it.
13. The management held a secret meeting. The issues discussed were not disclosed to the workers.
14. We could hear the sergeant bellowing commands to the troops.
15. The boss got angry with the secretary and it took a lot of tact to soothe him.
16. We do not have adequate information to make a decision.
17. She is not a child, but a mat woman. She can make her own decisions.
18. The prisoner was put in solitary confinement.

Test A / University Word List
1. There has been a recent trend among prosperous families toward a smaller number of children.
2. The area of his office is 25 square meters.
3. Philosophy examines the meaning of life.
4. According to the communist doctrine, workers should rule the world.
5. Spending many years together deepened their intimacy.
6. He usually read the sports section of the newspaper first.
7. Because of the doctors' strike, the clinic is closed today.
8. There are several misprints on each page of this text.
9. The suspect had both opportunity and motive to commit the murder.
10. They inspect all products before sending them out to stores.
11. A considerable amount of evidence was accumulated during the investigation.
12. The victim's shirt was saturated with blood.
13. He is irresponsible. You cannot rely on him for help.
14. It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing about the research methods that were used.
15. He finally attained a position of power in the company.
16. The story tells about a crime and subsequent punishment.
17. In a homogeneous class all students are of a similar proficiency.
18. The urge to survive is inherent in all creatures.

5000-10000 level
1. The baby is wet. Her diaper needs changing.
2. The prisoner was released on parole.
3. Second year university students in the US are called sophomore.
4. Her favourite flowers were orchid.
5. The insect causes damage to plants by its toxic secretion.
6. The evacuation of the building saved many lives.
7. For many people, wealth is a prospect of unimaginable felicity.
8. She found herself in a predicament without any hope for a solution.
9. The deacon helped with the care of the poor of the parish.
10. The hurricane whipped along the coast.
11. Some coal was still smoldering among the ashes.
12. The dead bodies were mutilated beyond recognition.
13. She was sitting on a balcony and basked in the sun.
14. For years waves of invaders pillaged towns along the coast.
15. The rescue attempt could not proceed quickly. It was impeded by bad weather.
16. I wouldn't hire him. He is unmotivated and indolent.
17. Computers have made typewriters old-fashioned and obsolete.
18. Watch out for his wilful tricks.

Test A / 5000-10,000 level
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回复: 请教词汇测试问题

1. Nation (1999)测试学生的词汇时分的是2000,3000,5000,university list 和10000
2. 看了部分高校学生做的关于大学生词汇知识和学习策略的硕士论文,发现他们对英语专业学生和非英专学生使用的都是Nation的词汇广度测试,我有2个问题:1)英语专业和非英专的词汇量不同可以都用这套测试吗?2)很多人选用Nation词汇测试中的2000和3000词汇作为高频词的测试,可是大一到大四的词汇量也不同,高考的词汇量要求仅有2000多,大一学生在此测试中合适吗?