Database Selection Guidelines for Meta-Analysis in Applied Linguistics

首先声明, 不是关于语料库的

The massive accumulation of knowledge and studies on certain topics
within the academic domain heightens the need for more research
syntheses, and this is also true for the field of applied linguistics. A
statistical approach to integrating studies is known as meta-analysis1;
researchers attempt to quantitatively summarize a set of empirical data
across studies in order to identify consistencies and explain variabilities
through this method (e.g., Cooper & Hedges, 1994; Norris & Ortega,
2006, 2007). Although the concept of meta-analysis is a century old,
Glass (1976) and Norris and Ortega (2000) initiated a widespread
modern interest in this method in education and applied linguistics


In order to address
these issues, we examine three research questions: (a) Which databasesare used in meta-analyses in applied linguistics? (b) What combination
of databases is used in applied linguistics? (c) Which databases provide a
comprehensive coverage of journals in applied linguistics?

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