第11届国际认知语言学大会(ICLC 11,Xi’an, China) 征稿启事


第11届国际认知语言学大会(ICLC 11,Xi’an, China) 征稿启事

作者: 发布时间:2010-5-12 8:47:06 点击:98



Harald Baayen(加拿大,阿尔伯塔大学)
Ewa Dabrowska(英国,诺桑比亚大学)
Mirjam Fried(捷克共和国,捷克科学院)
Horie Kaoru(日本,东北大学)
Ronald Langacker(美国,加州大学圣地亚哥分校)
John Lucy(美国,芝加哥大学)
Jiaxuan Shen(中国,中国社会科学院)

陈 融(加利福尼亚州立大学圣伯纳蒂诺分校)
张 辉(解放军国际关系学院)

Yuelian Liu(主席)(中国,西安外国语大学)
Laura Janda(挪威,特罗姆瑟大学)
Maarten Lemmens(法国,里尔第三大学及国家科学研究中心)
Klaus-Uwe Panther(德国,汉堡大学)
Rene Dirven(德国,杜伊斯堡-埃森大学)
Suzanne Kemmer(美国,莱斯大学)
Elzbieta Tabakowska(波兰,国立克拉科夫雅盖隆大学)

ICLC 11西安大会分普通会议(general session)、专题研讨(theme session)和书面展示(poster session)三种形式。普通会议和专题研讨发言每人限25分钟(20分钟演讲,5分钟讨论)。书面展示期间普通会议及专题研讨暂时休会。每人发言不能超过两次:一次作为第一作者,一次作为合作作者。普通会议和专题研讨发言的论文摘要均需通过同行匿名评审程序。因此,专题研讨发言的论文摘要需要提交两次:一次向专题研讨组织者提交,另一次向大会组织委员会提交。
大会论文摘要应该建立在承认语言是人类认知的一部分, 而不是一个独立系统的理论基础之上。语言不仅受到自身因素的影响,而且取决于外部因素。这些外部因素既包括人类共有的先天认知能力,也包括文化群体、语篇类型和交际模式等方面的社会制约。前者使语言相同;后者使语言互异。
ICLC 11西安大会网址:http://www.iclc11.org;专用邮箱:iclc11@xisu.edu.cn;工作语言:英语。

1. 征文通知应在cogling网站和ICLC 11西安大会网址发布;也鼓励组织者在其他语言学网站或刊物上发布。
2. 2010年10月15日前,向组委会提交专题研讨提案(长度不超过一页),并附发言者名单及发言题目(各发言简介不超过三句话),以便由组织委员会和咨询委员会成员组成的评审组审核。
3. 2010年10月下旬,各专题研讨的组织者将收到评审组对专题研讨提案的审核决定。若获得同意,请组织者及时提醒各发言者于2010年11月15日前向大会组委会提交论文摘要,以便统一评审;若未获同意,也请组织者鼓励发言者向大会组委会提交论文摘要。
4. 专题研讨的组织者将于2011年2月15日前收到论文摘要审核结果。若通过审核的摘要少于5篇,该专题研讨将被取消;若多于24篇,由组织者负责将数量控制在24篇以内。未被专题研讨录用的摘要将自动转入普通会议的安排之中。

ICLC 11: Language, Cognition, Context
July 11-17, 2011, Xi’an, China
(http://www.iclc11.org; iclc11@xisu.edu.cn)

Under the auspices of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association, co-organized by China Cognitive Linguistics Association and China International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics, and hosted by Xi’an International Studies University, the 11th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference will be held July 11- 17, 2011, in the historic city of Xi’an, China.

General guidelines
Like all previous ICLCs, ICLC 11, Xi’an will be a gathering of cognitive linguists to present their most recent research in the study of language. We invite abstracts that subscribe to the assumption that language is part of human cognition, not an autonomous and separate system. Language is seen as influenced and, to a large extent, even determined by forces not only within it but also outside it—factors of general human cognitive capacities as well as factors that result from the diversity of societies, cultural groups, discourse types, and communicative modes.
As such, presentations at ICLC 11, Xi’an may be on any facet of human language—including the non-verbal—from any cognitive linguistics perspective. The following general areas are provided as a sampler, not an exclusive list of possibilities: cognitive grammar, cognitive semantics, construction grammar, conceptual metaphor, conceptual integration, embodiment of language, cognitive psycholinguistics, cognitive sociolinguistics, cognitive stylistics, cognitive applied linguistics, corpus linguistics, and application of a cognitive linguistics theory to other disciplines.
ICLC 11, Xi’an will hold a general session, theme sessions, and a poster session. Presentations for the general session and theme sessions will be allotted 25 minutes, with 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. The poster session will be given a two-hour time window, without competing with the general session or the theme sessions.
Each presenter can appear in the program a maximum of two times: once as a first author and once as a co-author. Abstracts for both the general session and theme sessions will go through the same anonymous peer-review process. A presentation for a theme session (see below) will thus be submitted twice—once to the theme session organizer and once to the Organizing Committee.
The conference website (http://www.iclc11.org) is being constructed and will be updated with new information as it becomes available. Questions regarding the conference should be addressed to iclc11@xisu.edu.cn.
Abstract Submission and Requirements
Abstracts will be accepted from June 16, 2010 to November 15, 2010. Details about how to submit abstracts will be announced by June 15, 2010.
Abstracts should be no more than 500 words, including references. They should reflect the soundness of argument, substance of content, and relevance to cognitive linguistics—the three criteria on which acceptance decisions will be based. An abstract about an empirical study, therefore, ought to include preliminary findings. Similarly, an abstract of a theoretical presentation should outline how a position is defended in addition to what that position is.
Theme sessions
Theme sessions at ICLC 11, Xi’an are expected to encourage the broadest participation possible by scholars in the entire cognitive linguistics community and to present studies that are of as high caliber as those presented in the general session. We ask that theme session organizers follow these procedures:
1. Announce their call for papers on the listserv Cogling and send it to the conference website for posting. They are also encouraged to publicize their calls on other popular listservs (e.g., funknet, linguistlist) or venues.
2. By October 15, 2010, submit to the Organizing Committee a one-page proposal plus a list of potential presenters and their titles (with a maximum of three-sentence description for each) for review by a panel composed of members of the Organizing Committee and the Advisory Committee.
3. In the latter part of October, 2010, theme session organizers will receive decisions on their sessions from the review panel. For an approved theme session, the organizer should remind his/her presenters to submit their abstracts to the Organizing Committee by November 15, 2010. Should a session not be approved, the organizer is asked to encourage his/her presenters to submit their abstracts to the general session.
4. By February 15, 2011, theme session organizers will have received the results of the abstract review. Should the number of accepted presentations for a theme session fall below 5, the session will be cancelled. Should it be greater than 24, the organizer will be asked to select no more than 24 for the session. Those presentations not selected by the organizer will be automatically routed to the general session.
Important dates
June 16, 2010: Abstract submission begins.
October 15, 2010: Theme session proposals due
November 15, 2010: Abstract submission ends
February 15, 2011: Notification of acceptance
March 15, 2011: Early registration begins.
July 11-17, 2011: Conference in session

Keynote speakers
Harald Baayen, University of Alberta, Canada
Ewa Dabrowska, Northumbria University, UK
Mirjam Fried, Czech Academy of Sciences Prague, Czech Republic
Kaoru Horie, Tohoku University, Japan
Ronald Langacker, University of California, San Diego, USA
John Lucy, Chicago University, USA
Jiaxuan Shen, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

China Cognitive Linguistics Association (http://www.ccla2006.com)
China International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics (http://cifcl.buaa.edu.cn)

Xi’an International Studies University (http://www.xisu.edu.cn)

Organizing Committee
Dingfang Shu (Co-Chair), Shanghai International Studies University
Thomas Fuyin Li (Co-Chair), Beihang University
Dafu Yang (Executive Co-Chair), Xi’an International Studies University
Rong Chen, California State University, San Bernardino
Shisheng Liu, Tsinghua University
Hui Zhang, PLA International Studies University
Yajun Jiang, Xi’an International Studies University

Advisory Committee
Yuelian Liu (Chair), Xi’an International Studies University, China
Laura Janda, University of Troms?, Norway
Maarten Lemmens, Université Lille 3 & CNRS, France
Klaus-Uwe Panther, University of Hamburg, Germany
Rene Dirven, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Suzanne Kemmer, Rice University, USA
Elzbieta Tabakowska, Jagiellonian University of Kraków, Poland
回复: 第11届国际认知语言学大会(ICLC 11,Xi’an, China) 征稿启事

good news.