
回复: 如何可以简单地提取牛津剑桥的英文片语字典内收录的片语?

act on/upon
Act upon is more formal than act on and is mosdy used in writing.
act on/upon sth
to do what someone has advised, ordered etc you to do, or do something because you have received some information or had an idea: Acting on a hunch, she went into his study and looked through his letters.
act on sb's advice/orders/suggestion I realize now that I should have acted on my fathers advice.
act on information Police say they were acting on information from an undisclosed source.

linp你是不是要把 act on/upon;acton/upon sth;
act on sb's advice/orders/suggestion;act on information 都提取出来呢,还是仅仅提取act on/upon就可?

如果只要提取act on/upon类型的,longman大概也就5000左右的动词短语。


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回覆: 回复: 如何可以简单地提取牛津剑桥的英文片语字典内收录的片语?

act on/upon
Act upon is more formal than act on and is mosdy used in writing.
act on/upon sth
to do what someone has advised, ordered etc you to do, or do something because you have received some information or had an idea: Acting on a hunch, she went into his study and looked through his letters.
act on sb's advice/orders/suggestion I realize now that I should have acted on my fathers advice.
act on information Police say they were acting on information from an undisclosed source.

linp你是不是要把 act on/upon;acton/upon sth;
act on sb's advice/orders/suggestion;act on information 都提取出来呢,还是仅仅提取act on/upon就可?

如果只要提取act on/upon类型的,longman大概也就5000左右的动词短语。


我希望向难度挑战,把act on sb's advice/orders/suggestion;act on information也挑出来.自从上次收到您的建议,我就开始认真学正则表达式, 因为之前对正则表达式的运用真是一知半解. 可是我发现Word用的正则表达式可能跟PowerGREP用的正则表达式有点不同,例如Word的句末要用表达式^13找出来,PowerGREP则不一样 (有可能是我理解错误).

到现时为止遇到一个问题, 请问您可否指教一下? 我想在WORD裏面用正规表达式找出所有含~的行数, 然後将这些行整行变红色字体, 我试过几条正则表达式都失败. 那条正则表达式应该怎样写才对?


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回复: 回覆: 回复: 如何可以简单地提取牛津剑桥的英文片语字典内收录的片语?

Jasonhorse老师真的很感谢您的帮忙和鼓励! -----

WORD裏面用正规表达式找出所有含~的行数, 然後将这些行整行变红色字体, 我试过几条正则表达式都失败. 那条正则表达式应该怎样写才对?-------

2.自己给定宏名(比如Macro5)--将宏指定到 选择 键盘--确定
3.请按新快捷键- 键入Ctrl+P-再按指定
4. 点击 停止 按钮
5. 工具-宏-宏
6.找到Macro 5,点击 编辑 去掉绿色字体部分,然后
7. 打开代码.doc 文档复制其中的代码 粘贴到Sub Macro 5 ()和 End Sub 之间,点击 保存 按钮。
8.最后一直按住 Ctrl + P


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  • The sample.doc
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  • 代码.doc
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回复: 如何可以简单地提取牛津剑桥的英文片语字典内收录的片语?

WORD裏面用正规表达式找出所有含~的行数, 然後将这些行整行变红色字体, 我试过几条正则表达式都失败. 那条正则表达式应该怎样写才对?-------


1. 查找内容:~ 替换为:标题9 (高级--格式---样式---标题9,全部替换)
2. 查找内容:标题9 替换为:标题9, 红色(高级--格式---字体---字体颜色:红色)。点全部替换后就实现了你说的目标。
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