BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具

回复: BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具

请问,如果标注的层级是 多层级的,如一个树状结构的。用这个软件,如何设定??
回复: BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具

You need to have a hierarchical coding scheme in the first place. In your actual coding, what you code is the lowest node of the 'node tree' in your system. For example, [GRA-WORD1] can be used to code type 1 word ([WORD1]) in the system of a grammar (GRA) of a certain language. That is, the hierarchy of the coding system is realized by a two part code name. The hyphenated code can be extended if you wish to accommodate a tree system of your conceptual system. This is a linear way to represent a hierarchical conceptual system, which should work. Such coding has been implemented in a couple of studies already.

Besides, the Qualitative Coder can stand multiple layers of embedding.
回复: Auto-coding and dummy text

Here is an example of auto-coding.
Please copy the codelist - autocoding.ini and the Positive-negative.txt to the Qualitative Coder directory, and give it a try.

没有任何的编码知识,虽然照着样本语料和编码文件,我还是操作不了。我想建一个小型的英汉平行语料库,用BFSU QUALITATIVE CODER 做标注,可是好多天了还是搞不懂怎么运用这个软件标注以及我应该做哪些准备工作。请问:我想尽快入门,学会简单的码集的制作,需要看哪些书籍?老师们有什么好的建议吗?
回复: BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具

我在使用这个软件的时候遇到这样一个问题:把codelist模板修改成自己的,在做完标注之后不能生成数据统计那个页面,显示的是access violation at address 00404D47 in module "BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1.exe“. Read of address 72746C5D. 但是使用软件模板去标注的话,就能生成数据统计。我只是改动了codelist的某些词,格式没变啊。这个问题可能是什么原因呢?
回复: BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具
