What"s wrong with my ParaConc? 汉字显示为乱码

patric emailed me with the following questions -

the build of my paraconc is 269, i am not sure if it is the latest edition. i pay much attention to the fonts: Chinese GB2312, 宋体. i switch the code into Uft-8, but fails at last.

Build 269 is the latest stable release published, though a demo version of 270 (with a hit limit of 150) is available out there.

The problem of displaying Chinese is caused by incorrect way of loading corpus. Suppose your Chinese data has been saved as or converted into UTF-8, which is supported in 269.

If you load your corpus this way:

you will results like this:

and if you load your corpus this way:

you will get results like this:
i dont understand why the language column in the right is choosed as English instead of Chinese, but we load a Chinese txt in fact, is that the problem?
No, the right column for language should be Chinese. The important thing is that the files in utf must be highlighted so that the cjeck box for utf8 can be selected.
UTF-8 can only be highlighted when corpus files are added and selected. If you are sure that the files are text files, then add them and select them using your mouse. Then check the box foe UTF-8 to see what will happen.
i am sure i have already followed what you said, the problem is that when i add the text in UTF, it pops up the window that i uploaded before.
回复:What"s wrong with my ParaConc? 汉字显示为乱码


[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年03月06日 21时37分18秒 编辑过]
There are repetitions because the search words (of in this case) is repeated in the English.
Oscar3: Try Display - Context and select line (as long as one sentence per line in your corpus) to see the effect.
回复:What"s wrong with my ParaConc? 汉字显示为乱码

Dr.xiao, i am using your babel, and how can i remove these tags when displaying?

以下是引用 xiaoz2005-8-25 0:22:07 的发言:
This version of Paraconc does not have a way to remove POS tags of the underscore format. But the new release can.

以下是引用 patricx2005-8-25 0:08:46 的发言:
回复:What"s wrong with my ParaConc? 汉字显示为乱码

it seems that i failed to find your botten in my paraconc
In File - Tag settings - Normal tags, define tag start as < and tag end as >
In File - Tag settings - Speicial tags, check the box for Embedded in word and define the character in word as _
After the search, Go to Display - Suppress to select both ormal tags and Special tags.
回复:What"s wrong with my ParaConc? 汉字显示为乱码

以下是引用 xiaoz2006-3-6 22:00:29 的发言:
Oscar3: Try Display - Context and select line (as long as one sentence per line in your corpus) to see the effect.

Xiaoz: I choosed DIsplay-Context-sentence or segment and got the following display rsult

This is the display result when you choose lines

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年03月06日 23时04分38秒 编辑过]
succeed in doing this, great thanks to Dr.xiao!!!

[本贴已被 作者 于 2006年03月06日 23时27分07秒 编辑过]