Microsoft Bilingual sentence aligner


Staff member
Download Microsoft's Bilingual Sentence Aligner for free at

When people translate documents from one language to another, not all sentences are translated one-for-one. This Perl code implements an algorithm for finding which sentences do translate one-for-one in a parallel bilingual corpus.
The 5th download link on that webpage:

Bilingual Sentence Aligner
When people translate documents from one language to another, not all sentences are translated one-for-one. This Perl code implements an algorithm for finding which sentences do translate one-for-one in a parallel bilingual corpus.
回复:Microsoft Bilingual sentence aligner

Thank u for ur info, Dr Xiao. I have the aligner downloaded and unzipped but as an IT illiterate I would like to know how it could be used.
回复: Microsoft Bilingual sentence aligner
