

我想检索短语结构,如be +?+of, too+?+of 等,请问在concord中search word中,该怎么办呢?

It all depends upon whethwe and how your corpus is annotaed, especially POS tagged. Paste a sample paragrah here and we will be able to decide.
Thank you in advance!

Learning_VBG a_DT foreign_JJ language_NN was_VBD one_CD of_IN the_DT most_RBS difficult_JJ yet_RB most_RBS rewarding_JJ experiences_NNS of_IN my_PRP$ life_NN ._. Although_IN at_IN times_NNS ,_, learning_VBG a_DT language_NN was_VBD frustrating_JJ ,_, it_PRP was_VBD well_RB worth_JJ the_DT effort_NN ._.
My_PRP$ experience_NN with_IN a_DT foreign_JJ language_NN began_VBD in_IN junior_JJ middle_NN school_NN ,_, when_WRB I_PRP took_VBD my_PRP$ first_JJ English_NNP class_NN ._. I_PRP had_VBD a_DT kind_NN and_CC patient_NN teacher_NN who_WP often_RB praised_VBD all_DT of_IN the_DT students_NNS ._. Because_IN of_IN this_DT positive_JJ method_NN ,_, I_PRP eagerly_RB answered_VBD all_PDT the_DT questions_NNS I_PRP could_MD ,_, never_RB worrying_VBG much_RB about_IN making_VBG mistakes_NNS ._. I_PRP was_VBD at_IN the_DT top_NN of_IN my_PRP$ class_NN for_IN two_CD years_NNS ._.
When_WRB I_PRP went_VBD to_TO senior_JJ middle_NN school_NN ,_, I_PRP was_VBD eager_JJ to_TO continue_VB studying_VBG English_NNP ;_: however_RB ,_, my_PRP$ experience_NN in_IN senior_JJ school_NN was_VBD very_RB different_JJ from_IN before_IN ._. While_IN my_PRP$ former_JJ teacher_NN had_VBD been_VBN patient_NN with_IN all_PDT the_DT students_NNS ,_, my_PRP$ new_JJ teacher_NN quickly_RB punished_VBN those_DT who_WP gave_VBD incorrect_JJ answers_NNS ._. Whenever_WRB we_PRP answered_VBD incorrectly_RB ,_, she_PRP pointed_VBD a_DT long_JJ stick_NN at_IN us_PRP and_CC ,_, shaking_VBG it_PRP up_IN and_CC down_IN ,_, shouted_VBD ,_, "_" No_DT !_. No_DT !_. No_DT !_. "_" It_PRP did_VBD n't_RB take_VB me_PRP long_JJ to_TO lose_VB my_PRP$ eagerness_NN to_TO answer_VB questions_NNS ._. Not_RB only_RB did_VBD I_PRP lose_VB my_PRP$ joy_NN in_IN answering_VBG questions_NNS ,_, but_CC also_RB I_PRP totally_RB lost_VBD my_PRP$ desire_NN to_TO say_VB anything_NN at_IN all_DT in_IN English_NNP ._.
be +?+of: be_* *_* of_*

too+?+of: too_* *_* of_*

in WST4
Settings >>> Adjust Settings >>> Tags & markup >>> Markup to ignore: _*

in WST3
Settings >>> Adjust settings >>> Tags >>> check the box for Tags to ignore and type in _*

Then search for

be +?+of: be * of

too+?+of: too * of
Thanks a lot, Dr. Xiaoz.Really appreicate your help.
But another problem arises. It is WST4 that i have and the texts i am going to concord are not tagged. When i loaded a simple lemma list, i.e., (be -> am,are,is,was,were,being,been) into Settings >>Settings>>Lemma, Match,Stop ListAdjust >>Concord>>lemma list, save it and quit, then i opened Concord and reload text and begin my search words: be * of, only be but not am, is, was, being etc.are concorded. How can i solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Lemmata are not supposed to be used in this way. The lemma list you mentioned for use with WST is for join lemmas in Wordlist, not for concord. In concord, you will need to spell out each word form. For "be", e.g. am/is/are/was/were/being/been/be (using / to join word forms, which means "or" in WST). Each query string (including /) must NOT exceed 80 characters. For batch concordancing, use file-based concording instead.

[本贴已被 作者 于 2005年12月01日 17时15分54秒 编辑过]
Got it! ^_^
But you mentioned that "Each query string (including /) must be exceed 80 characters", is it right? Maybe is it... each query string must be within 80 characters?

以下是引用 shooter2005-11-30 12:39:00 的发言:
Thank you in advance!

Learning_VBG a_DT foreign_JJ language_NN was_VBD one_CD of_IN the_DT most_RBS difficult_JJ yet_RB most_RBS rewarding_JJ experiences_NNS of_IN my_PRP$ life_NN ._. Although_IN at_IN times_NNS ,_, learning_VBG a_DT language_NN was_VBD frustrating_JJ ,_, it_PRP was_VBD well_RB worth_JJ the_DT effort_NN ._.
My_PRP$ experience_NN with_IN a_DT foreign_JJ language_NN began_VBD in_IN junior_JJ middle_NN school_NN ,_, when_WRB I_PRP took_VBD my_PRP$ first_JJ English_NNP class_NN ._. I_PRP had_VBD a_DT kind_NN and_CC patient_NN teacher_NN who_WP often_RB praised_VBD all_DT of_IN the_DT students_NNS ._. Because_IN of_IN this_DT positive_JJ method_NN ,_, I_PRP eagerly_RB answered_VBD all_PDT the_DT questions_NNS I_PRP could_MD ,_, never_RB worrying_VBG much_RB about_IN making_VBG mistakes_NNS ._. I_PRP was_VBD at_IN the_DT top_NN of_IN my_PRP$ class_NN for_IN two_CD years_NNS ._.
When_WRB I_PRP went_VBD to_TO senior_JJ middle_NN school_NN ,_, I_PRP was_VBD eager_JJ to_TO continue_VB studying_VBG English_NNP ;_: however_RB ,_, my_PRP$ experience_NN in_IN senior_JJ school_NN was_VBD very_RB different_JJ from_IN before_IN ._. While_IN my_PRP$ former_JJ teacher_NN had_VBD been_VBN patient_NN with_IN all_PDT the_DT students_NNS ,_, my_PRP$ new_JJ teacher_NN quickly_RB punished_VBN those_DT who_WP gave_VBD incorrect_JJ answers_NNS ._. Whenever_WRB we_PRP answered_VBD incorrectly_RB ,_, she_PRP pointed_VBD a_DT long_JJ stick_NN at_IN us_PRP and_CC ,_, shaking_VBG it_PRP up_IN and_CC down_IN ,_, shouted_VBD ,_, "_" No_DT !_. No_DT !_. No_DT !_. "_" It_PRP did_VBD n't_RB take_VB me_PRP long_JJ to_TO lose_VB my_PRP$ eagerness_NN to_TO answer_VB questions_NNS ._. Not_RB only_RB did_VBD I_PRP lose_VB my_PRP$ joy_NN in_IN answering_VBG questions_NNS ,_, but_CC also_RB I_PRP totally_RB lost_VBD my_PRP$ desire_NN to_TO say_VB anything_NN at_IN all_DT in_IN English_NNP ._.

Dr. Xiao,
Here is another question. If i want to have a pure txt file which contains all NOUNs or ADJECTIVES in the passage above, how can i make it?
Do you mean a list of all nouns and ajectives or a list of concordances for all nouns and adjectives?
It is not easy to use WordSmith for this purpose. If you give a list of filenames for the data files in your corpus (and whether they in the same folder), I will write a small program for you.
Okay, here is the path: