Almost definitive list of publications of Sinclair


Staff member
John McHardy Sinclair: the almost definitive list of publications

1965 'When is a Poem like a Sunset?', Review of English Literature, 6, 76-91; reprinted in Lyle E B (ed.) Ballad Studies, Brewer/Rowman and Littlefield, 1976, 153-169.

1966 'Taking a Poem to Pieces', in Essays on Style and Language ed. Fowler R, London: Routledge, 68-81; reprinted in Linguistics and Literary Style, ed. Freeman D M, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
1966 'Beginning the Study of Lexis', in Bazell C E, Catford J C; Halliday M A K and Robins R (eds.) In Memory of J R Firth, London: Longman, 410-30.

1968 'English Language in English Studies', Educational Review, 20, 82-94.
1968 'Linguistics and the teaching of English', in Language and Language Learning, ed. A H Marckwardt, Champaign, Illinois: NCTE, 31, 31-41,
.1968 ' A technique of stylistic description', Language and Style, 1, 215-42.

1970 (with S Jones and R Daley) English Lexical Studies, Birmingham University, for the Office for Scientific and Technical Information.

1971 'The integration of language and literature in the English curriculum', Educational Review, 23, 220-34.

1972 A Course in Spoken English: Grammar, Oxford: Oxford University Press
1972 (with others) ‘Linguistic stylistics by candlelight’, Nottingham Linguistic Circular, 11, 1.
1972 (with R M Coulthard, I J Forsyth and M C Ashby) Discourse in the Classroom, London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research.
1972 (with M C Ashby, R M Coulthard and I J Forsyth) The English used by Teachers and Pupils, Final Report to the Social Science Research Council for the period September 1970 to August 1972, Birmingham: University of Birmingham.
1972 'Lines about Lines', in Kachru B; Stahlke B; Herbert F W (eds.) Current Trends in Stylistics, Edmonton: Linguistic Research Inc. 251-61; reprinted in Carter R (ed.) Language and Literature, London: AlIen & Unwin, 1982, 163- 76.

1973 'English for effect', Commonwealth Education Liaison Committee Newsletter 3, 11, 5-7; reprinted in Stubbs, M. and Hillier, H. (eds.) Readings on Language, Schools and Classrooms, London: Methuen, 1983, 238-45.
1973 'Linguistics in Colleges of Education', Dudley Journal of Education 3, 17-25.

1974 'English lexical collocations', Cahiers de Lexicologie, Paris: Institut des Professeurs de Français à l'Etranger.

1975 'The linguistic bases of style', in Ringbom, H et al (eds.), Style and Text, Stockholm: Sprakforlaget Skriptov AB and Abo Akademi, 75-89.
1975 (with R M Coulthard) Towards an Analysis of Discourse: the English Used by Teachers and Pupils, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1978 ‘Language for specific purposes’, in Linnarud M and Svartvik J (eds.) Kommunikativ Kompetens och Fackspråk; Lund, Sweden, 259-68.

1979 'Issues in current ESP design and management', in Ziahosseiny S and Mountford A (eds.) English for Special Purposes, papers from the 2nd Regional ESP Conference, Isfahan,1-22; another version in MALS Journal, Summer 1978, 104-25.
1979 ‘What purpose to English for Special Purposes?’, in Payne, R (ed.) Papers on English for Special Purposes, The Bourguiba Institute of Modern Languages Tunisia, Language and Linguistics Series, 39-58.
1979 ‘Language for Specific Purposes’, in Harper D (ed.) English for Specific Purposes: papers from the Second Latin-American Conference, 11-17.

1980 'Discourse in relation to language structure and semiotics', in Greenbaum S; Leech G and Svartvik J (eds.), Studies in English Linguistics for Randolph Quirk, London: Longman, 110-24.
1980 'Computational text analysis at the University of Birmingham', in Johansson, S (ed.) Newsletter of the International Computer Archive of Modem English, Bergen: The Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities, 13-16
1980 'Applied discourse analysis: an introduction', in Sinclair, J M (ed) Applied Linguistics, 1, 3, , Oxford: Clarendon Press, 253-61.
1980 'Language for Specific Purposes', in Kennedy C (ed.) English Language Research Journal, 1, 3-13.

1981 'The Development of skills for learning', in Blackie D (ed.) English for Specific Purposes, 47, 1-5.

1982 'The integration of language and literature in the curriculum', in Carter R and Burton D, (eds.) Literary Text and Language Study, London: Arnold.
1982 (with D. Brazil) Teacher Talk, Oxford: Oxford University Press, the first part reprinted as J. Sinclair The Structure of Teacher Talk, Discourse Analysis Monographs No 15, Birmingham: English Language Research, University of Birmingham, 1990.
1982 'Reflections on computer corpora in English language research', in Computer Corpora in English Language Research, Johansson S, (ed.) Bergen.
1982 'Linguistics and the teacher', in Carter R (ed.) Linguistics and the Teacher, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 16-30.

1983 ‘Teacher training and project design’, in Coffey B (ed) Teacher Training and the Curriculum - an Investigation; The British Council, papers related to the Dunford House Seminar, 19-29 July 1982.
1983 'Planes of discourse', in Rizvil S N A (ed.) The Two-fold Voice: Essays in Honour of Ramesh Mohan, Pitambu Publishing Co., India, 70-91.

1984 'Lexicography as an academic subject', in Hartmann, R K K (ed.) LEXeter 83 Proceedings, Lexicographica Series Maior No 2, Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 3-12.
1984 'The teaching of oral communication' , Nagoya Gakuin Daigaku Gaikokugo Kyoikukiyo, 10, 1-12.
1984 'Naturalness in language', in Aarts J and Meijs W (eds.) Corpus Linguistics: Recent Developments in the Use of Computer Corpora in English Language Research, Rodopi, Holland, 203-10; reprinted in Ilha do Desterro: A Bilingual Journal of Language and Literature, 5, 11, 45-55 Florianopolis, Brazil, 1985; and in ELR Journal 2, 11-20.
1984 'Language awareness in six easy lessons', in Donmall B G (ed.) Language Awareness, NCLE Papers and Reports 6, National Congress on Languages in Education, 4th Assembly, 33-6.
1984 (with Donmall, B G and Tinkel A J) 'Evaluation and assessment' (in NCLE Papers and Reports 6, National Congress on Languages in Education, 4th Assembly), 71-95.

1985 'On the integration of linguistic description', in van Dijk T A (ed) Handbook of Discourse Analysis, vol. 2, London: Academic Press, 13-28.
1985 'Lexicographic evidence', in Ilson R (ed.) Dictionaries, Lexicography and Language Learning, ELT Documents 120, Pergamon, 81-94.
1985 'Basic computer processing of long texts' in Candlin C and Leech G (eds.) Computers and the English Language, London: Longman, 185-203.
1985 ‘Selected issues’, in Quirk, R and Widdowson H G, eds.) Language in the World, Cambridge: CUP, 248-54.

1986 'Fictional worlds', in Coulthard R M (ed.) Talking about Text, Discourse Analysis Monograph No 13, ELR, University of Birmingham, 43-60.
1986 'First throw away your evidence', in Leitner G (ed.) The English Reference Grammar, Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 56-65.

1987 (ed) Looking Up, London: HarperCollins.
1987 'Grammar in the dictionary' in Sinclair, J M (ed.) Looking Up, London: HarperCollins, 104-15.
1987 'The nature of the evidence', in Sinclair, J M (ed.) Looking Up, London: HarperCollins, 150-59.
1987 'The dictionary of the future', Collins English Dictionary Annual Lecture, University of Strathclyde, reprinted in the Library Review and in Focus on English, British Council, Madras, 1987.
1987 'Language models and monuments', in Britain Abroad, The British Council Magazine, 5, 8-9
1987 'Tools of the trade' in TESOL France Newsletter.
1987 (with A Renouf) , A lexical syllabus for language learning', in Carter R and McCarthy M (eds.) Vocabulary and Language Teaching, London: Longman, 140-58
1987 'Collocation: a progress report', in Steele R & Threadgold T (eds.) Language Topics: Essays in Honour of Michael Halliday, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 319-31
1987 'Compressed English' in Ghadessy M (ed.) Varieties of Written English, London: Pinter, 130-36

1988 'Mirror for a text', Journal of English and Foreign Languages, 1, Hyderabad, India, 15-44.
1988 ' Sense and structure in lexis', in Benson J, Cummings M and Greaves W (eds.) Linguistics in a Systematic Perspective, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 73-97

1989 'Language, learning and community', in Candlin, C and McNamara T (eds.) NCELTR Macquarie University, .25-33; (originally published as 'Corpus creation' a paper presented to Council of Europe, February 1987).
1989 ‘Poetic discourse - a sample exercise’ in van Peer (ed) The Taming of the Text; London: Routledge.

1990 'The nature of lexical statements' in Linguistic Fiesta: a Festschrift for Professor Hisao Kakehi's 60th Birthday, Kurosio Publishers, Japan, 183-99.
1990 'Uncommonly common words,' in Tickoo M (ed) Learner's Dictionaries: State of the Art, Anthology Series 23, RELC, Singapore, 135-52.
1990 (with D Kirby) 'Progress in computational lexicography', in Cignon L and Peters C (eds.) Computational Lexicology and Lexicography, vol. 7, a special issue dedicated to B Quemada, Pisa: Giardini, 233-257; reprinted in World Englishes 9, 1.
1990 'Methods and madness', in Bickley V (ed) Language Use, Language Teaching and the Curriculum, Hong Kong: Institute of Language in Education, 231-40.
1990 The Structure of Teacher Talk, English Language Research Monograph 15, University of Birmingham: ELR.
1990 'Teaching English: the decade ahead' in Abousenna M (ed.) Proceedings of the Tenth National Symposium on English Language Teaching in Egypt, CDELT, Cairo, 18-24.

1991 'Shared Knowledge', in J E Alatis (ed) Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics: Linguistics and Language Pedagogy, The State of the Art, Georgetown University Press, Washington D C , 489-500.
1991 Corpus Concordance Collocation, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1991 (with A Renouf) 'Collocational frameworks', in Aijmer, K and Altenberg, B (eds.) English Corpus Linguistics: Studies in Honour of Jan Svartvik, London: Longman, 128-43.

1992 'Trust the text' in Davies M & Ravelli L (eds.) Advances in Systemic Linguistics: Recent Theory and Practice, London: Pinter, 5-19; reprinted in Coulthard R M (ed.) Advances in Written Text Analysis, London, Routledge, 1994, 12-26.
1992 'Priorities in discourse analysis', in Coulthard R M (ed), Advances in Spoken Discourse Analysis, London: Routledge, 79-88.
1992 'The automatic analysis of corpora', in Svartvik J (ed.) Directions in Corpus Linguistics, Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 82, Stockholm 4-8 August 1991, Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 379-97.
1992 'Lexicographers’ needs' in Zeitschrift fur Anglisten und Amerikanisten, 5-14.
1992 'Corpus typology', available in electronic form on ftp from l'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale, Pisa.; published in Melchers G and Warren B, 1995 Studies in Anglistics; Acta Universitatis Stockholmensis, Stockholm Studies in English, LXXXV, Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International.

1993 'Written discourse structure', in Sinclair J M, Hoey M, and Fox G (eds.) Techniques of Description: Spoken and Written Discourse, A Festschrift for Malcolm Coulthard, London: Routledge, 6-31.
1993 (with M Hoey and G Fox) (eds.) Techniques of Description: Spoken and Written Discourse, a Festschrift for Malcolm Coulthard, London: Routledge.

1994 (ed. with M Hoelter and C Peters), The Language of Definition: The Formalization of Dictionary Definitions for Natural Language Processing, vol 7 in the series Studies in Machine Translation and Natural Language Processing, Brussels: The European Commission.
1994 (with G Barnbrook) ‘Parsing Cobuild entries’, in Sinclair J M, Hoelter M and Peters C (eds.) 13-58.
1994 'From scarcity to superfluity', in D'Arcy J (ed.) Proceedings of the Third Nordic Symposium for English Studies, 1-17.
1994 (with G. Francis) ‘“I bet he drinks Carling Black Label”: a riposte to Owen on corpus grammar’, Applied Linguistics, 15, 190-200.

1995 ‘The world of Woman in the Bank of English: internal criteria for the classification of corpora"; Journal of Literary and Linguistic Computing, 10, 2.
1995 ‘Computers and language teaching’, in Lee I et al (eds.) Linguistics in the Morning Calm 3: selected papers from SICOL-1992. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Company; 287-97; reprinted in Wichman A et al (eds.) Teaching and Language Corpora, London: Longman 1997, 27-39.
1995 ‘From theory to practice’, in Leech G et al (eds.) Spoken English on Computer, London: Longman, 99-109.
1995 ‘Fictional worlds revisited’, in Siciliani E et al (eds.) Le Trasformazioni del Narrare; Atti del XVI Convegno Nazionale, Ostuni 14-16 Ottobre 1993; Fasano di Brindisi, Schena Editore, 459-82.

1996 ‘The search for units of meaning’, TEXTUS, 9, 1, Special Volume Merlini L and Sinclair J (eds.) Lessico e Morfologia, 75-106; reprinted in Corpas G (ed.) Las Lenguas de Europa: Estudios de Fraseología, Fraseografía y Traducción; Granada: Editorial Comares, SL, 7-38
1996 ‘Introduction’ and ‘Multilingual databases’, International Journal of Lexicography, 9, 3, Guest editors Sinclair J et al, Corpus to Corpus: A Study of Translation Equivalence, 172-96
1996 J M Sinclair on Lexis & Lexicography, Foley J (ed.), Singapore: Unipress.
1996 ‘Prospects for automatic lexicography’, (The Otto Jespersen Lecture) in Zettersten A and Pedersen V (eds.) Symposium on Lexicography VII; Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Lexicography, May 5-6, 1994 at the University of Copenhagen. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag.
1996 ‘The empty lexicon’, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 1,1; 99-119.

1997 ‘Corpus linguistics at the millennium’, in Kohn J et al (eds.) New Horizons in CALL; Szombathely: Bersenyi Dániel College.

1998 ‘Large corpus research and foreign language teaching’, in de Beaugrande R, Grosman M and Seidlhofer B (eds.) Language Policy and Language Education in Emerging Nations, Volume LXIII in the series Advances in Discourse Processes Stamford: Ablex, 79-86.

1999 ‘The lexical item’ in Weigand, E (ed.) Contrastive Lexical Semantics Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, volume 17 of the series Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 1-24.
1999 ‘A way with common words’, in Hasselgård, H and Oksefjell S (eds.) Out of Corpus, Studies in Honour of Stig Johansson; series Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics no 26 Amsterdam: Atlanta Rodopi, 157-175.
1999 ‘The internalisation of dialogue’, in Rossini Favretti R,. Sandri G, and Scazzieri R (eds.) Incommensurability and Translation Essays in Honour of Thomas S Khun, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 391-406.
1999 ‘Data derived multilingual lexicons’, in Arcaini E (ed.) La Traduzione, Saggi e Documenti (IV) Quaderni di Libri e Riviste d’Italia N.43, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Librari, Le Istituzioni Culturali e l’Editoria Divisione Editoria Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 33-46.
1999 ‘New roles for language centres: the mayonnaise problem’, in Bickerton D and Gotti M (eds.) Language Centres: Integration through Innovation, CercleS. (Conféderation Européenne des Centres de Langues de l’Enseignement Superieur). Secretariat, Department of Modern Languages, University of Plymouth, 31-50.

2000 (with S Hunston) ‘A local grammar of evaluation’, in Hunston S and Thompson G (eds.) Evaluation in Text: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse, Oxford: OUP, 74-101.
2000 ‘The computer, the corpus and the theory of language’ in Azzaro G and Ulrych M (eds) Transiti linguistici e cultural, volume II, Proceedings of the XVIII AIA Con¬gress Anglistica e :metodi e persorsi comparatistici delle lingue, culture e letterature di origine europea, Trieste: EUT, 1-15; reprinted 1999 LMS Lingua 1/9, 24-32.
forthcoming (with G Barnbrook) ‘Specialised corpus, local and functional grammars’, in Ghadessy M et al (eds.) The Use of Small Corpora in the Teaching of Language, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
forthcoming ‘The deification of information’, in Thompson G and Scott M (eds.) Patterns of Text: in Honour of Michael Hoey, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
forthcoming ‘Passion Speechlesse Lies’ in Tong C K, Pakir A, Ban K C and Goh R (eds.), Ariels: Departures and Returns. Essays for Edwin Thumboo. Singapore: Oxford University Press.

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Selected Cobuild publications for which John Sinclair was Editor-in-Chief or Founding Editor-in-Chief
1987 Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary (1st edition)
1988 Collins COBUILD Essential Dictionary
1989 Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs
1990 Collins COBUILD Student’s Dictionary
1990 Collins COBUILD English Grammar
1991 Collins COBUILD Student’s Grammar
1992 Collins COBUILD English Usage
1995 Collins COBUILD English Dictionary (2nd edition)
1995 Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Idioms
1995 Collins COBUILD Brazilian Portuguese Bridge Bilingual Dictionary
1996 Collins COBUILD Learner’s Dictionary
1996 Collins COBUILD Grammar Patterns 1: Verbs
1996 Collins COBUILD Student’s Usage
1997 Collins COBUILD New Student’s Dictionary
1998 Collins COBUILD Grammar Patterns 2: Nouns and Adjectives
2000 Collins COBUILD English-Chinese Language Dictionary
Profesor Sinclair is profilic and somewhat radical, but his research results are based on evidence.Now he is in Italy .