The many facets of corpus linguistics in Bergen - in honour of Knut


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New Open Access book:

The Many Facets of Corpus Linguistics in Bergen: In honour of Knut Hofland
edited by Lidun Hareide, Christer Johansson and Michael Oakes
In Bergen Language and Linguistics Vol. 3 No. 1 (2013)

Available at:


The Development of ICAME and the Brown Family of Corpora

Forty years of working with corpora: from Ibsen to Twitter, and beyond

From Babylon to Bergen: On the usefulness of aligned texts

A corpus-based analysis of English affixal negation into Spanish
Encoding a parallel corpus: The TRIS corpus experience

FTA Corpus: a parallel corpus of English and Spanish Free Trade Agreements for the study of specialized collocations

The Bergen translation corpus TK-NHH – design and applications

Recent developments in Norwegian corpus lexicography

Detecting specialised neologisms in researchers’ blogs

KIAP – reflections on a complex corpus

Spanish teenage language and the COLAm-corpus

The inalienability pattern of English and Norwegian

A corpus-based study of English loanwords on ?ing in Russian (2000-2011)

A multidimensional approach to aligned sentences in translated text

Hunting for Significance

Computational Stylometry of Wittgenstein’s “Diktat für Schlick”

?ystein sin tale til Knut i anledning hans 60-?rs-dag (?ystein's speech to Knut on his 60th birthday)