concord world的最近内容

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    回复: 我在建一个小型英文语料库,不知什么建库软件比较好 我也是这样想的,建库应该就是一个搜集和整理文件的过程,然后存为纯文本文件就行了,应该不用什么建库软件的,但如果想使用库,就得用一些检索软件了。
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    急求Should we teach EFL students collocations

    回复: 急求Should we teach EFL students collocations 下了学习学习,谢谢台湾的同学分享
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    Concordancing &Teaching Academic Vocabulary

    回复: Concordancing &Teaching Academic Vocabulary thanks a lot, Pro. Xu. It's great help
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    BFSU Sentence Collector 1.0 基于语料库的英语例句提取工具

    回复: BFSU Sentence Collector 1.0 基于语料库的英语例句提取工具 谢谢贾博士和许博士!Excellent Tools, it will help the EFL/ESL teachers in classroom teaching and contribute to the implementing corpus into teaching pratice. My question is how can we evaluate the validity of the sentences? or what corpus is the sentences...
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    词汇中心教学法的交际观 the Lexical Approach (Lewis), the Lexical Syllabus (Willis), DDL (Johns)

    回复: 词汇中心教学法的交际观 the Lexical Approach (Lewis), the Lexical Syllabus (Willis), DDL (Joh 感谢许教授分享,拜读!!!
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    分享:一个有不少语料库研究的文章的杂志Journal of English Linguistics

    回复: 分享:一个有不少语料库研究的文章的杂志Journal of English Linguistics 楼主好,文章里有我正做的论文相关部分,可否分享?十分感谢!邮箱
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    传本书请大家看看:Using Technology in Teaching

    回复: 传本书请大家看看:Using Technology in Teaching thanks a lot for sharing!!!
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    回复: 语料库可比性,标准化处理,卡方 我觉得这个问题是,如果两个语料库的字数不同,是否具有可比性?除了字数这个限制以外,语料来源、时间、类型等因素是否也应该作为语料库对比研究应考虑的因素? 个人意见不全面,请专家指正。 如果希望做语料库对比研究,应该注意哪些方面的问题呢?请高手给予指点,或推荐一些相关文章、书籍也行,先谢谢了~~!!!!
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    分享:一个有不少语料库研究的文章的杂志Journal of English Linguistics

    回复: 分享:一个有不少语料库研究的文章的杂志Journal of English Linguistics 能发我也分享下吗? 谢谢
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    nobody 小建议

    回复: nobody 小建议 本人支持这个建议,就是如何操作比较困难
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    大侠帮忙查找这2篇文章,多谢,多谢: Lee, Y. A. 2006. Respecifying display questions: interactional resources for language teaching. TESOL Quartely 40/4: 691-713. White, J & Liughtbown, P.M. Asking and answering in ESL classes, Canadian Modern Language Review, 1984, 40(2): 228-244
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    有关一本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teaching

    回复: 有关一本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teach Dear fountainli, could you send me a copy for research? thanks a lot! my email address is
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    求文一篇,登于foreign langugage teaching and research

    回复: 求文一篇,登于foreign langugage teaching and research 楼上大侠,周星周韵这个这是我要的,能否给我发一个?邮箱多谢了
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    有关一本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teaching

    回复: 有关一本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teach Can i also receive one copy? Thank you so much. My mail:
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    语料库语言学导论=An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics--杨惠中

    回复: 语料库语言学导论=An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics--杨惠中 好消息,找到了。一直受惠于本网站,本人也贡献一下。