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    Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary

    求助二语词汇习得书籍2011年出版:Nation I S P & Webb S. Researching and Analyzing Vocabulary
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    The story of over

    请求文章:The Story of over: polysemy, semantics and the lexicon strucuture哪里可以下载?
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    1. Vocabulary Myths (By Keith S. Foles) 2. Word Knowledge: A Vocabulary Teacher's Handbook (by Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman) 3. Teaching Vocabulary - Strategies and Techniques.
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    回复: 穷书生想读下列书 fantastic and wonderfulllllllllllllllllllllll. To my great amazement, My greatest gratitude for your so timely access !
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    1. Foreign language vocabulary learning - a criterion of learning acheivement 2. English word-formation 3. Conditions of Vocabulary Acquisition
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    How to Teach Vocabulary

    回复: How to Teach Vocabulary 进入该网站后点击上方的“网络U盘”即可下载!
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    How to Teach Vocabulary

    回复: 有兴趣的请下载 How to Teach Vocabulary 谢谢!我已经下载。不过篇章页码的字横放着,我不得不把电脑屏转向。
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    How to Teach Vocabulary

    我想阅读How to Teach Vocabulary(怎样教词汇)作者:Jeremy Harmer 出版社:Pearson ESL (2002-2003出版)。 这本书是原版进口,价格高得惊人:321.8元。有没有好人上传共享,不胜感激!
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    THE conversion formula

    回复: THE conversion formula 这可能是个经验值吧。该原文出自Nation, 1983a。我一直通过网络搜索该文未能成功。也许所有词族平均下来,每个词族(word family)至少包含有1.6个词项(lexical itam)。所以基础阶段英语学习阅读理解率要达到70%,就得有5000词族,即单词数5000*1.6=8000(The lexical plight in second language reading, Batia Laufer)。 William Nagy(On the role of context in first-and...
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    THE conversion formula

    谁能告诉我 I.S.P. Nation关于词族(word family)转换成单个词项(lexical items)的转换公式?比如:根据Nation,我们要首先学会3000个word families.他称这个词汇量为 The threshold vocabulary. 按照他的转换公式3000乘以1.6等于4800个单词。我不知道为什么要乘以1.6?:o:o:o:o:o