
  1. zgp3021


    对不起楼上我回答不了你问的问题,但是我想借此提醒一下大家,也许大家已经知道语料库方面的权威大会ICAME 37 将于明年在香港举办( May 25-29th 2016),是此会第一次在亚洲召开,plenary speech阵容强大,对我们是一个好机会,论文摘要截止日期11月1号,感兴趣的C友们加油啦。更多信息见:http://www.eng.cuhk.edu.hk/eng/web/icame37/
  2. zgp3021


    Thanks for this, Prof. Xu. I don't know how to post conference info, so I'm attaching under your post the info about ICAME 37 to be held in Hong Kong, May 26-29th 2016. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1 NOVEMBER 2015. ... Academic Programme The programme will consist of full...
  3. zgp3021


    回复: 《语料库语言学》杂志征稿启事 和大家分享一下我最近的一篇文章,早知道投这个期刊了:) https://orientalecom7.academia.edu/GuipingZhang/Papers
  4. zgp3021


    回复: 《语料库语言学》杂志征稿启事 太好了!国内也有语料库方面的期刊了!
  5. zgp3021

    John Swales Conference Corpus (JSCC) freely available

    回复: John Swales Conference Corpus (JSCC) freely available Dear Dr. XU, It seems that JSCC is now unavialable online. Zhang
  6. zgp3021


  7. zgp3021

    请问: 北外考博的德语考试

    哪位知道北外考博的德语考试题型有哪些? 要求的词汇量大概多少? 谢谢!
  8. zgp3021


    好慢呀! 几分钟了还打不开
  9. zgp3021

    有要WordSmith Tools 4的请举手!

    I want to know how much it costs and where I can get one. I hop Mr. Xu will give us some infomation about "how to get one" now that so many of us want to get it.
  10. zgp3021

    如何将BNC语料中POS tag去掉并存为.txt格式?有程序下载哦!

    Would anyone please tell me how to use Wordsmith 4? Thank you in advance!
  11. zgp3021

    Collocations as a language resource PhD thesis

    Thank you very much, Mr. Xu. You provide a good opportunity for us to learn from each other. I'm still a beginner in this field, but I'm very interested in it. I hope soon I'll have somthing to share with all the members in the community.