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    回复: 如何将语料库引入英语写作教学 许博士,Markin 确实不错,但由于我们教学条件达不到学生的需求,提交作业有点难度。我尝试用公共e-mail,很不方便。有好的建议吗?
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    greenhand 求教!!!

    how to use regular expression in AntConc3.2.1? if-clause这样检索怎么不行啊?\w+if_IN+\w+_PRP+\w+_VBD+\w+_VBN+\w+,\w+_PRP+\w+_MD+have_VB+\w+_VBN+\w 高手请帮帮忙!!!Thanks!
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    Lit Linguist Computing 2007; Vol. 22, No. 3

    回复: Lit Linguist Computing 2007; Vol. 22, No. 3 顶! Literary Imagination is a forum for all those interested in the distinctive nature, uses, and pleasures of literature, from ancient to modern, in all languages. Its aim is to encourage wide-ranging discussions between those committed to the...