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    回复: 求助:如何使用Collocator In my opinion, the collocation refers to words that generally go together. Even though it possible to use other word combinations, understanding collocations help English learners improve their fluency.
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    什么是R software?

    回复: 什么是R software? I think,the R includes virtually every data manipulation, statistical model, and chart that the modern data scientist could ever need.
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    回复: 文献资料求助 As a developer you can, and most likely will from time to time, be forced to create customer documentation. In creating specific applications for concrete customers you will have do all the text writing up until the final print. Developing general products for thousands of customers...
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    Using corpora in language studies (1)

    回复: Using corpora in language studies (1) In my opinion, patterns and Meanings consists of case studies which make use of corpora and concordance technology. Each case study elaborates a problem area, makes reference to both the descriptive and applied literature thus far, and then suggests...
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    Corpus and metaphor

    回复: Corpus and metaphor In my opinion, the metaphor is a topical issue across a number of disciplines, wherever researchers are concerned with how speakers and writers package and process messages. This book is addressed at readers from diverse academic backgrounds who are interested in ways of...
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    回复: 检索时态 I think, the meaning and definitions of retrieve, translation in Hindi language for retrieve with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of retrieve in Hindi and in English language.
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    回复: 字符串定义 In my opinion, the string has many definitions,a group of objects that are connected with a string, wire, chain, etc. In computer programming, a string is traditionally a sequence of characters, either as a literal constant or as some kind of variable. The latter may allow its...
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    回复: 求助论文,多谢! Planning a dissertation is not that hard, it only requires simple techniques and common sense. >Before starting your dissertation brainstorm your mind that what you have to do and in what manner. >Make different domains of your topic. >Set the timeline for using your...
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    How to use systematics

    回复: How to use systematics I think, the systematics is the study of the units of biodiversity. Although systematics can be done without regard to any process, since in its starkest form it is only a study of patterns without regard to how they came about, most researchers see evolution as the...
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    回复: 毕业论文求助 In my opinion, a thesis is the result of a lengthy thinking process. Formulating a thesis is not the first thing you do after reading an essay assignment. Before you develop an argument on any topic, you have to collect and organize evidence, look for possible relationships between...