
  1. Haiyang Ai


  2. Haiyang Ai


    引自光盘 readme.txt 文件介绍: “CLEC整个语料库及各个分体(中学[ST2]、大学英语4级[ST3]、大学英语6级[ST4]、大学专业英语低年级[ST5]、大学英语高年级[ST6])的语料库,供读者研究中国学习者英语之用”
  3. Haiyang Ai


    下面这个网站可以检验正则表达式是否写的正确,输入样本字符串和正则表达式,可以马上看到结果。测试准确了,才往 concordancer 里面放。 https://pythex.org/
  4. Haiyang Ai


    用 AntConc,在 Concordance 检索时不用勾选 Words, Case, Regex,通配符 * 就可以 <w BE?>*</w> <w VBN>*</w>
  5. Haiyang Ai


    可以参考《英语阅读分级指难针》在这方面的工作: 金檀、陆小飞、郭凯、李百川. (2018). “英语阅读分级指难针”. 广州:语言数据网 (languagedata.net/tester). Jin, T., Lu, X., Guo, K., & Li, B. (2018). Eng-Editor: An online English text evaluation and adaptation system. Guangzhou: LanguageData (languagedata.net/tester).
  6. Haiyang Ai

    求The Search for Units of Meaning

  7. Haiyang Ai

    求The Search for Units of Meaning

    找到一篇 Michael Stubbs 怀念 Sinclair 的文章,回顾了他对语料库语言学的主要贡献。
  8. Haiyang Ai

    CQPweb on Windows 10 WSL

  9. Haiyang Ai


    Word 可以对比两个文本 https://www.teachucomp.com/compare-documents-in-word-instructions/
  10. Haiyang Ai

    请问哪位前辈同仁使用过QUITA (Quantitative Index Text Analyzer)?

    Download it here: https://code.google.com/archive/p/oltk/
  11. Haiyang Ai

    GZSU CQPWeb 体育英语语料库上线

    Thanks for sharing!
  12. Haiyang Ai

    PhD in Educational Studies, University of Cincinnati

    欢迎大家报考 2019 年秋季入学的第二语言研究/应用语言学方向的博士,材料递交截止时间是12月1号。
  13. Haiyang Ai

    You may ask Prof. Anthony directly on this issue.

    You may ask Prof. Anthony directly on this issue.
  14. Haiyang Ai

    It's likely the issue with VC++ runtime environment. Did you try another computer?

    It's likely the issue with VC++ runtime environment. Did you try another computer?
  15. Haiyang Ai

    Fourth Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2018)

    Fourth Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2018) Final Call for Papers: APCLC 2018 *** Extended deadline: 31 May, 2018 *** Conference website (new): https://www.apclc2018.org The Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Association invites you to submit your papers to APCLC 2018 (17-19...
  16. Haiyang Ai

    PhD in Educational Studies, University of Cincinnati

    The deadline has moved to December 1st for Fall 2018 incoming students.
  17. Haiyang Ai


    Welcome back! I can't believe that we've been doing this for over 10 years. To answer your question on the list of journals... International Journal of Corpus Linguistics Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory Corpora ICAME International Journal of Learner Corpus Research 北外的《语料库语言学》
  18. Haiyang Ai

    PhD in Educational Studies, University of Cincinnati

    For those who are still interested in applying to the Ph.D program in Educational Studies (Second Language Concentration strand), the deadline of application has extended to December 15th.