
  1. Haiyang Ai

    Corpus tools developed by members of BFSU Corpus Research Group

    回复: Corpus tools developed by members of BFSU Corpus Research Group Thanks for sharing.
  2. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 新手问题:请问用什么软件检索T单位平均词数等??大谢! Just so you know that for the online interface, I've recently increased (doubled) the memory allocation, so that the processing time has reduced about 50%.
  3. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 求语言学论坛网址 语料库语言学也是属于应用语言学的大范畴。你要问的问题是什么?
  4. Haiyang Ai

    基于1亿词的Reuters Corpus语料库的3个频率表

    回复: 基于1亿词的Reuters Corpus语料库的3个频率表 搜索一下本站,以前有不少相关的讨论。 你有问题可以另外开贴发问。
  5. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 求话语标记语的外文文献 大家都是老师和同学,不是神。另外,你的要求太宽泛了,你想研究的是什么?
  6. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 求语言学论坛网址 Unfortunately, it's no longer maintained.
  7. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 新手问题:请问用什么软件检索T单位平均词数等??大谢! Both the number of T-units and the mean length of T-unit can be obtained from L2 Syntactic Complexity Analyzer (Lu, 2010). Try the online demo at http://aihaiyang.com/synlex/syntactic/
  8. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 求教:可以使用Wordsmith在自动标注完语料词性之后进行对动词与节点词搭配的研究吗? It seems that you're trying to examine the concgram patterns involving a particular verb. https://benjamins.com/#catalog/software/cls.1/main https://benjamins.com/#catalog/software/cls.1
  9. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 求教:可以使用Wordsmith在自动标注完语料词性之后进行对动词与节点词搭配的研究吗? You might want to look at the mutual information scores: http://www.lexically.net/downloads/version5/HTML/index.html?mutual_information.htm
  10. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 关于发表文章 可以先看看你自己引用的文章大部分都是出自哪些期刊?
  11. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 求助:如何由两位研究者共同标注语料库? 计算语料标注的一致性可以用 Cohen's Kappa。
  12. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 语料天涯最近好像一直登陆不上? 我这里也看不了。
  13. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 有没有直接对语义韵进行标注的软件 I guess this would entail manual annotation. One software you might consider is MMAX2 [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mmax2/].
  14. Haiyang Ai

    4 year paid PhD position, computational linguistics, Groningen

    PhD Computational Linguistics: Parsing Algorithms for Uncertain Input Organisation Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative center of higher education offering high-quality teaching and research. The Center...
  15. Haiyang Ai

    4 year paid PhD position, natural language processing, Groningen

    PhD Computational Linguistics QT by Deep Language Engineering Approaches Organisation Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative center of higher education offering high-quality teaching and research. The Center...
  16. Haiyang Ai

    如何得到PropBank Chinese的语料库啊?

    回复: 如何得到PropBank Chinese的语料库啊? 下面的链接说可以通过 LDC 购买。 http://verbs.colorado.edu/~mpalmer/projects/ace.html
  17. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 发现了还有一个新的CQP 这个可是出自于 CPQweb 的发源地啊。
  18. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 有趣的正则表达式检索结果 这个有意思!
  19. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 中国英语学习者语音数据库(由北外、南大、社科院等人研制) 中国学生英语口笔语语料库(SWECCL) 里面是有口语方面的数据的。
  20. Haiyang Ai


    回复: 这样的我可以去考博吗? 也要注意浏览语料库语言学期刊 (International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics & Linguistic Theory, Corpora 等) 的文章,看看那些方面你可能比较适合你做。