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    求Text-type and move analysis study of verb tense and modality distribution in medical

    A Text-type and move analysis study of verb tense and modality distribution in medical english abstracts 发表于English for Specific Purposes Vol.11, pp.93-113, 1992 非常感谢!
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    请问有以韩礼德的功能语法为理论基础的关于情态(modality)的语料库研究文献吗? 感激不尽!
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    求助论文Talking to the academy: Forms of hedging in science research articles

    作者Ken Hyland 写于1996年,Written Communication 谢谢!
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    请帮忙找一下这篇文章! 标题是epistemic possiblity: a study based on a medical corpus 作者是Minna Vihla
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    【求助】求一本书。medical writing: modality in focus?

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    【求助】求一本书。medical writing: modality in focus?

    Re: 回复: 【求助】求一本书。medical writing: modality in focus? 非常感谢您的帮助,我也搜到这个网页了。可是论坛禁止新用户注册,我没有办法在其中回复或者下载。 请问您能帮忙从里面下载一下吗? 或者有没有其他的方法
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    【求助】求一本书。medical writing: modality in focus?

    作者Minna Vihla 链接地址在这里 http://www.fleric.org.cn/forum/viewthread.php?tid=6220&extra=&authorid=8&page=2 谁在那里有帐号,帮个忙吧,谢谢!
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    I'm a fresher on the forum and not very familiar with the structure of the forum, so the question was posted here. BTW-Your answer is not what I want.
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    韩礼德的书中,人际功能关于情态的取向与取值的论述不完整,如下几个句子应该按什 么算? 1, He will be certain to do it. 2, In my opinion, he will do it. 3, He is likely to do it. 4, He will probably do it. 5, These data suggest that it may be an important factor. 另外,按照韩礼德的说法will是中值情态助动词,如He will do it.为中值。那是否表 示将来时极值的表达不能用will?