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    Xaira: a review

    Dr. Xiao, Thank you for your explanation of the use of xaira. I tried it but could not get the same results as you’ve done. I post the snapshots as follows. Would you please tell me what went wrong in my query? Thank you in advance. 1.Tags in word query: I clicked both “form” and “control” ...
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    Xaira: a review

    thank you very much. I'll have a try.
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    Xaira: a review

    hrh Yes, I’ve got it correct. Thank you very much.But in the case of ‘有点’, the results are the same. The word is not part-ofCspeech sensitive. All of them are tagged ‘d’.But actually ‘有点儿’can be used in the pattern of verb+quantity, like 碗里有点儿水\这幅漫画倒有点儿意思。 Does xaira have fuzzy search...
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    Xaira: a review

    Another problem: Yesterday I used phrase query and got a list of concordance line of “有点”,but today only one sentence. I clicked the Page/Line mode. It’s useless. What might be wrong? My exploration of LCMC with xaira ended up with a warning message popping up" An invalid argument was...
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    Xaira: a review

    Dr. Xiao, I want to use xaira to investigate the collocation of ‘有点’as an adverb and retrieve the concordance from LCMC as well. I used the Addkey query. According to the Help menu, “ Having either entered a word or ticked Any, press REFRESH. This brings up a list of all the relevant Addkey...
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    Xaira: a review

    thank you. It seems i could start with xaira.
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    Xaira: a review

    what is the advantage of xaira in comparison with wordsmith and sara?
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    [转帖]Corpus Linguistics Week

    我对13,14 和15的题目感兴趣,谁能用mp3录下来然后放到此网站,让更多的人受益?或者PPT也行。
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    [推荐]FLOB and Frown: Links invalid now.

    thank you very much.
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    ParaConc的开发人Michael Balow下个月16日来中国,第一站去北京然后上海,他的日程安排不是太紧,感兴趣的人可跟他联系,请他做个讲座交流交流.很遗憾的是我们学校庙太小,曲高和寡,我怕无人感兴趣.他给我发了封简历.需要者可与我联系.
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    [推荐]FLOB and Frown: Links invalid now.

    what a pity. thank you! Do you think it is feasible to use LCMC and BNC as comparable corpora. Despite their difference in size, they are both balanced corpora. I want to use the corpora to study function words.
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    [推荐]FLOB and Frown: Links invalid now.

    Mr. Xiao. I want to use xaira to explore Flob in order to get more information about the collocation of the searched word. but the website you provided (http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/corplang/flob/flob.xcorpus) is invalid now. Any new address available? Thank you!
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    Data is important for research. But if one's intuition of language phenomina is not cute enough, how could he/she come to the depth and dig out the underlying mechanism. I'm now struggling with my vast data not knowing how to put them together.
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    English Chinese parallel corpora

    I can't open it either.
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    Multilingual corpus tool (MLCT)

    回复:Multilingual corpus tool (MLCT) Hi, Xiaoz, I have tried ParaConc. but I have problem with "load corpus file". I double click "Add" on the left side. In the left box appears "863汉英句对齐语料.text". Then I double click "Add" on the right side. It fails because the file exists already(according to...
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    Multilingual corpus tool (MLCT)

    Thank you. Xiaoz, I know what you mean. I need a concordancer for aligned parallel corpus. I will try paraConc.
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    Multilingual corpus tool (MLCT)

    hi, Tiger, if you are interested in Chinese-English parallel corpus, go to http://www.chineseldc.org/others.asp But they don't have concordancer.
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    Multilingual corpus tool (MLCT)

    Thank you for your prompt reply.I have solved the problem now.But a new question arises. I bought a Chinese-English parallel corpus compiled by Pekin University's Institute of Computational Linguistics (ICL), They only provide texts without any software. How could I use the Mutilingual...
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    Multilingual corpus tool (MLCT)

    Thank you, Xiaozi. I'm very interested in Multilingual Processing Tool and I want to use it in cross-linguistic research. But I have some problems with the installation of Multilingual Processing Tool.According to the instruction "After installing the JRE, download zipped file mlct_public.zip...