
  1. M


    回复: 求助:免费英语语料库在线检索 thanks, dr. xu. why the BNC simple search a bad link?
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    回复: 求助:免费英语语料库在线检索 thanks a lot, goldking, for providing a long list of them. emm, when i search words at BNC, no context is provided, right? are there any means to see the context?
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    从此网址http://www.ddyyx.com/netprints/Corporalink/Corporalink.htm 打开一些在线检索的英语国家语料库,链接大多显示无效。因此,想求助各位,哪些英语国家的语料库可以实现在线检索?谢谢
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    [HELP] Medical English Thesis

    回复: [HELP] Medical English Thesis an old thread, but still useful. following the link of chapter one, i found the website for the other chapters. hope it works with your computer. http://www4.gu.edu.au:8080/adt-root/uploads/approved/adt-QGU20041012.125934/public/
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    Is it ok to say "settle the problem"?

    回复: Is it ok to say "settle the problem"? to my knowlege, this expression is ok. seems often meet such collocation, even from us websites or newspapers.
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    [ebook]A New Introduction To The Study Of Text And Discourse

    回复: [ebook]A New Introduction To The Study Of Text And Discourse thanks very striking words from the writer: no copyright is claimed...
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    求文章一篇:crystal 1991, stylistic profling

    回复: 求文章一篇:crystal 1991, stylistic profling generous david crystal, helpful laohong. thanks!
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    求:BROWN, LOB, 或FROWN, FLOB的lexical density

    still LD=content/functional words. google 了很久未果,因此再次求助. greatly appreciate the help i've received in this forum. thanks again!
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    求助:ACWT统计lexical density遇到问题

    回复: 求助:ACWT统计lexical density遇到问题 Thanks, you're always so helpfu.
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    求助:ACWT统计lexical density遇到问题

    回复: 求助:ACWT统计lexical density遇到问题 range也可以用来统计LD吗?输出的统计结果中哪一项是LD呢?(LD = content/grammatical.) 因为时间紧,没有时间仔细研究软件了。肯请大家帮忙。
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    求助:ACWT统计lexical density遇到问题

    请允许我重复发问,因为这个数据需要的比较急。是英文的语料。 在统计时,点击lexical density ure/stubb项,本来以为点击这项应该自动统计LD,结果弹出对话框要求输入实词数目。这个实词数目如何获得?急请行家指点。
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    回复: 求助:用WS进行统计的博(硕)士论文或学术论文 thanks, dr. xiao
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    求助: lexical density能否自动统计?

    回复: 求助: lexical density能否自动统计? i thought i'd made it, in fact not the first time i clicked on the LD of ure/stubb, a dialog box popped up, then i clicked confirm without careful reading,i thought that was the ratio of LD. when i did that again, i found out i should complete the box, that is...
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    求助: lexical density能否自动统计?

    回复: 求助: lexical density能否自动统计? i've made it. thanks a lot.
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    求助: lexical density能否自动统计?

    回复: 求助: lexical density能否自动统计? yeah i will download ACWT, but after extracting, couldn't find executive file, so seems unable to run the software. anything wrong?
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    求助: lexical density能否自动统计?

    不是TTR, 是ratio of content words to grammatical words. 是否有软件可自动统计? 谢谢!
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    回复: 求助:文本切割工具 oh i see but how the standardised TTR is computed? any thought?
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    回复: 求助:文本切割工具 恩,文本不是完整的.不管怎样,我试试看. thanks, laohong!
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    type/token ratio的结果有效的前提是语料中的文本长度相同.不知道是否有一种工具可以将文本切割成等同长度? 谢谢!
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    回复: 求助:用WS进行统计的博(硕)士论文或学术论文 i want to examine the similarites and differences of some linguistic features across three media, spoken, written, electronic, especially, the peculiar features of electronic medium. anyway the research questions are still very general at present. as a greenhand of...