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    因为是WS新手,想看看这方面的研究大作,手头只有DR. Xiao的two approaches to genre analysis。 谢谢!
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    Sad news: John Sinclair passed away

    回复: Sad news: John Sinclair passed away also a master of discourse analysis. happened to find his list of publications in this forum http://forum.corpus4u.org/archive/index.php/t-441.html pay a high tribute to him! may he rest in peace!
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    求:用于WS 3.0的FROWN wordlist

    回复: 求:用于WS 3.0的FROWN wordlist you've done me a big favor, thank you so much!
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    求:用于WS 3.0的FROWN wordlist

    因为手头要处理的语料基本是american english,做keywords时需要一个美语的wordlist作为reference. please help! thanks!
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    go tagger标注的语料,如何在ws 3.0下检索被动语态?

    用BE+VBN(过去分词)检索,WS好象不支持。 请各位帮忙看看,应该怎样检索?谢谢!
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    如何检索 it +be+adj/n+that 等

    回复: 如何检索 it +be+adj/n+that 等 dead link here
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    Wordsmyth - An Online Lexipedia

    回复: Wordsmyth - An Online Lexipedia very useful, thanks for sharing.
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    回复: 关于WORDSMITH的一个问题 set:可以使用任何字母对条目进行分类 TAG:显示最接近的标记符号 WORD: 显示检索词在文本中的位置 还有个%列:以百分比的形式显示检索词在文本中的位置
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    求文章一篇:crystal 1991, stylistic profling

    回复: 求文章一篇:crystal 1991, stylistic profling thank you. laohong. but why it dispalyed this:The page cannot be found The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. if possible, would you please do me a favor and send it to my...
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    有没有可以用于WS 3.0的academic wordlist?

    回复: 有没有可以用于WS 3.0的academic wordlist? 这个academic list如何用在range里?据我不多的了解,它可以对语料的统计。请指教! thanks!
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    求文章一篇:crystal 1991, stylistic profling

    出处:Crystal, D. 1991. Stylistic Profiling. In English Corpus Linguistics: Studies in Honour of Jan Swartvik. London: Longman. pp. 221-238. 愿意share的朋友请发至:eva819@gmail.com thanks!
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    [Download] The SKY Journal of Linguistics 1996-2006

    回复: [Download] The SKY Journal of Linguistics 1996-2006 thanks so much for sharing such a treasure
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    有没有可以用于WS 3.0的academic wordlist?

    回复: 有没有可以用于WS 3.0的academic wordlist? i see. thanks
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    有没有可以用于WS 3.0的academic wordlist?

    回复: 有没有可以用于WS 3.0的academic wordlist? 目前有两个wordlist,一个是网络学术讨论的,一个是学术口语讨论的。想通过对比,得出网络讨论学术用语与传统书面,口语的学术语言的异同。能用于WS书面学术用语的wordlist一直没有找到。大家能否帮我推荐下与这两个wordlist最为接近的学术书面语的wordlist?因为时间比较紧,肯请大家帮忙。谢谢!
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    有没有可以用于WS 3.0的academic wordlist?

    回复: 有没有可以用于WS 3.0的academic wordlist? 从这里找到的,averil coxhead, http://www.vuw.ac.nz/lals/research/awl/, 还没有找到能用在wsmith上的academic wordlist
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    回复: LCMC的精确字数 check this: http://forum.corpus4u.org/showthread.php?t=1907&highlight=LCMC
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    有没有可以用于WS 3.0的academic wordlist?

    回复: 有没有可以用于WS 3.0的academic wordlist? 有一个MSWORD版本的academic wordlist, 是否有办法将其转化成ws 可以用的wordlist呢?
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    有没有可以用于WS 3.0的academic wordlist?

    me again. or the corpus of academic prose? in urgent need. no time to DIY a academic prose. help!
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    WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords?

    回复: WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords? tried just now. set the threshhold from 500 to 9999, it worked. a long list of negative keywords. got a perfect solution. touched by your experts' helpfulness! thanks!
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    WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords?

    回复: WS 3.0统计keyword,怎么没有列出negative keywords? 哈,回复得真快 在我回复的时候没有刷新,没有看到dr.xiao, dr. xu又回复了。seems ok now. anyway i'll try what dr. xiao suggested to see if it's ok with the data i use. thanks again!