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    “双语平行语料库的创建及应用研究(2000-2003)”项目教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大研究项目之一,由本中心王克非教授负责。 本项研究认为,积累大量语言素材是观察、分析语言与翻译问题的必要条件,因此首先选定创建大型双语语料库这一基础研究项目。语料库及语料库语言学近二三十年在国际上迅速发展,其主要目标是,以计算机储存大量的真实语料,对语料做各种带有研究目的的标注,利用研制的检索工具对标注语料进行快捷的搜寻和分析,以发现已往因条件所限而未能注意的语言现象。...
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    12月16日下午,翻译系列讲座之三“从平行语料库看翻译”在国际会议厅如期举行。主讲人王克非教授是中国外语教育研究中心研究员,北京外国语大学《外语教学与研究》的主编,同时也是北外的博士生导师。 王教授首先介绍了关于双语料库研究的一些情况。王教授引用了最早拿语料库来做翻译研究的学者之一-------Mona...
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    [转帖]ACIP - Thousand Books of Wisdom

    http://www.asianclassics.org/ "A Thousand Books of Wisdom" is the fourth major release of Tibetan data by the Asian Classics Input Project. The core of the entire Asian Classics Input Project consists of a dedicated group of Tibetan refugees in south Asia who are accomplishing the great...
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    Today"s Corpus Linguistics: Some Open Questions

    František Čermák Today's Corpus Linguistics: Some Open Questions International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 7,2, 2003, 265-282. Abstract In general, the paper is concerned with problems of methodology. Against this background, situation of today´s corpora is being discussed...
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    Chomsky changed the direction of linguistics away from empiricism and towards rationalism in a remarkably short space of time. In doing so he apparently invalidated the corpus as a source of evidence in linguistic enquiry. Chomsky suggested that the corpus could never be a useful tool for the...
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    Learner Corpus: Resources
