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    什么是R software?

    amazon.com检索到相关的书:Quantitative Corpus Linguistics with R: A Practical Introduction (Paperback),有简单介绍该软件。 但它具体有什么功能?
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    请教如何统计一篇文章的类符数?How to count all word types in a text?

    回复: 菜鸟提问:请教如何统计一篇文章的类符数? 请问:“Treat all data as lower case.”是什么意思?
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    使用WSmith 5.0碰到的问题

    WordList显示的频数与Concord不吻合。 口语语料如下(“...."和"="等为语料原样): .... .... I thought I'd talk about a f= a film which I have seen recently .... .... which is erm . Dead Poets' Society .... .... it's a film which I . I had never seen before but everyone else seemed to have seen .... and so I was...
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    回复: 请教标注的删除 Thank you so much, armstrong!
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    欲在doc文本删除如<B>,<X>,<XXX>,<?>等内容(含“<>"符号和符号内内容),可以如何操作? 盼望指点,谢谢!
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    Learner corpus bibliography

    回复: Learner corpus bibliography thanks.
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    一、用WordSmith提取,可以要求词块必须出现在不同文本(如三个)么?可以的话,如何设置? 二、WordSmith可以将出现频数在一次以上的一定长度的词块么?(好像只能是两次以上的才行?)如何可以,如何设置? 以上两问题如果都不可以,什么软件可以? 三、WordSmith和AntConc提取出来的符合同样条件的词块为何数量不一致?...
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    请教:"lexical bundle"与"Ngram"的区别

    回复: 请教:"lexical bundle"与"Ngram"的区别 Rancid, you quoted " Lexical bundles provide a kind of pragmatic ‘head’ for larger phrases and clauses". Where is the sentence from?
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    回复: 请教:语篇标记语也属于立场标记语? Thank you for your answer.
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    metadiscourse/stance studies on oral English

    It seems that metadiscourse/stance study tends to be based on written language. What are the reasons? Is there any such research on oral English, apart from Schiffrin (1980)? Well, spoken English is full of metadiscourse.
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    回复: 请教:语篇标记语也属于立场标记语? Thank you both for your answers. I'd like to discuss further with you the typology of stance, or, the differences between textual and stance markers. According to Vande Kopple (1985), text connectives, code glosses, illocution markers, etc. belong to metadiscourse, not...
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    回复: 请教:Keywords结果阐释 Thanks for being so helpful and patient in answering all those questions, Dr Xu.
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    回复: 请教:Keywords结果阐释 谢谢指点! 再请教: 在Keywords的setting里,可以选择chi-square或log likelihood值。请问值有什么区别?
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    用WordSmith的Keywords产出如下结果: N WORD FREQ. CH53BA~1.TXT % FREQ.NS50B0~1.TXT % KEYNESS P 1 WOMAN IN THE PICTURE 13 0.02 0 24.4 0.000001 2 DRAW A PICTURE OF 13 0.02 0 24.4 0.000001...
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    回复: 请教:语篇标记语也属于立场标记语? "Functional analysis is always subject to different interpretations". I agree! Besides, functional classifications of these markers are often subjective, too. Take those "Frequent certainty stance markers" you listed in your paper on p. 30, for example. Do such items as...
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    In Xu Jiajin & Long Manying (2008, see UCCTS2008Proceedings in this forum), textual markers (including connectives such as first of all, however) are regarded as stance markers. However, textual markers are usually not included as stance markers in the literature, since the former are usually...
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    请问如何使用WordSmith 5.0的ConGram?

    回复: 请问如何使用WordSmith 5.0的ConGram? Many thanks, Dr. Tao!
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    请问如何使用WordSmith 5.0的ConGram?

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    浮现语法(Emergent Grammar) 与构式语法(Construction Grammar)的区别与联系

    回复: 浮现语法(Emergent Grammar) 与构式语法(Construction Grammar)的区别与联系 Thanks again, 动态语法。 What kinds of "discourse units" are the constructions in EG then? Are they units with discourse functions? The term "construction" in both papers by Hopper seems rather vague to me. I wonder if Hopper has any...
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    浮现语法(Emergent Grammar) 与构式语法(Construction Grammar)的区别与联系

    回复: 浮现语法(Emergent Grammar) 与构式语法(Construction Grammar)的区别与联系 Thanks for your reply, 动态语法。