
  1. P

    asking for a paper by Wray (1999)

    回复: asking for a paper by Wray (1999) a million thanks!
  2. P

    asking for a paper by Wray (1999)

    Wray, A., 1999. Formulaic language in learners and native speakers. Language Teaching 32 (4), 213±231. 我也在等待着自己可以为本论坛贡献的机会! 谢谢各位了!
  3. P

    asking for a paper by Van Lancker & Rallon

    回复: asking for a paper by Van Lancker & Rallon Fountainli, 学术论坛在哪?
  4. P

    asking for a paper by Van Lancker & Rallon

    回复: asking for a paper by Van Lancker & Rallon Laohong, what's the password of your "corpus stuff"? do you mind telling me? you may send it to my mailbox, if more appropriate: okpenny@126.com thanks
  5. P

    asking for a paper by Van Lancker & Rallon

    Van Lancker, D. & Rallon, G. (2004). Tracking the incidence of formulaic expressions in everyday speech: methods for classification and verification. Language and Communication, 24, 207-240.
  6. P

    求有关formulaic language/chunk的博士论文

  7. P

    to Xujiajin

    可以将以下文章再次放到邮箱吗?谢谢 Biber, Douglas. 1986. Spoken and Written Textual Dimensions in English: Resolving the Contradictory Findings. Language 62/2 pp. 384-414.
  8. P

    asking for a paper by De Cock

    回复: asking for a paper by De Cock Right!! D'accord! thank you for the tip.
  9. P

    欢迎讨论:有关chunks/formulaic sequences/...等的研究

    有相关的博士论文或者教有深度的研究吗? 觉得方向有二: 一,学习者相关的产出与native speakers比较,如frequency, (pragmatic) functions, variety... But, so what?!!! 二,与二语习得结合,如factors influencing the acquisition/use of formulaic sequences...常进入到psycholinguistics了. 那么,将语料库调查结果与心理因素结合起来的话,很容易受挑战. 这方面的研究究竟可以往哪走?
  10. P

    asking for a paper by De Cock

    回复: asking for a paper by De Cock Chrisyang, you've been so helpful! the trouble is that i am in guangzhou. So...do you have it in pdf?:p
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    回复: 请问corpus4u的邮箱在哪里? thank you!
  12. P

    asking for a paper by De Cock

    de cock, repetitive phrasal chunkiness and advanced efl speech and writing.Mair & Hundt (eds.). Corpus linguistics & linguistic theory. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. pp51-68. a million thanks!
  13. P


  14. P

    求一篇文章by Schmitt & Carter

    回复: 求一篇文章by Schmitt & Carter Chrisyang, 真是太感激啦!只是,我怎么找不到corpus4u的信箱啊 苦恼ing
  15. P

    求一篇文章by Schmitt & Carter

    回复: 求一篇文章by Schmitt & Carter Chrisyang, 你是不是有这本书啊,能否将第一章扫描并共享啊.感激不尽呢
  16. P

    求一篇文章by Schmitt & Carter

    回复: 求一篇文章by Schmitt & Carter 网上是查到了该书,但某些页出于版权原因缺少.想问哪位大虾有该书的,如将该文章扫描成pdf文档的话,那真是帮俺大忙啊
  17. P

    求一篇文章by Schmitt & Carter

    Schmitt, N. & Carter, R. 1004. Formulaic sequences in action: an introduction. In N. Schmitt (ed.). Formulaic sequences: Acquisition, processing and use: 1-22. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Thanks!