
  1. 动态语法

    Call for Papers: American Association for Corpus Linguistics (2016)

    he American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) calls for proposals for paper presentations at their next conference, which is being held jointly with the 14th Annual Technology for Second Language Learning (TSLL) Conference, on September 16-18, 2016, at Iowa State University in Ames...
  2. 动态语法

    2nd International Conference on Spoken Chinese Corpora, Abstract deadline Jan. 15, 2016

    2nd International Conference on Spoken Chinese Corpora: From Theory to Pedagogical Applications Rice University, Houston TX August 10-11, 2016 Call for Participation REGISTRATION: • Early Bird Registration by June 10, 2016: $50 per participant / $30 per student • Regular Registration...
  3. 动态语法

    缅怀 Dr Richard Xiao 肖忠华教授

    和肖老师初识于本网站建站之初,可说是典型的以文会友、同道之谊。好多年时间我们都没有见过各自真身。远隔欧美, 也没有多少机会参加共同的会议,想起来少有的一两次见面机会都是在北京。但这并不妨碍我们利用现代网络科技合作建库、 写作、切磋讨论语料库巨细问题并分享心得。文如其人,何须见面? 直到去年一月承Tony和Lancaster大学的厚意,参加以Richard名义专门举办的学术研讨会,才有机会赴Lancaster,看到Richard学习、 生活和工作的地方,才有机会好好和他聊聊他的病情。Richard以他一贯的乐观的精神状态接待我们这批探望者。2016新年将至,想起...
  4. 动态语法


    WWW: http://chinet.cz/summer-schools/summer-school-of-chinese-linguistics-june-july-2014/ International Summer School of Chinese Linguistics Dates: June 30 – July 5, 2014 Venue: Palack? University Olomouc, Czech Republic Tuition fee: free of charge Language: English Organizers...
  5. 动态语法

    2nd Conference of the American Pragmatics Association

    回复: 2nd Conference of the American Pragmatics Association Deadline is approaching: April 15, 2014. ? ------------------------- Call for Papers American Pragmatics Association The 2nd Conference of the American Pragmatics Association will take place on October 17-19, 2014 at the...
  6. 动态语法

    Call for Papers for the American Association of Applied Corpus Linguistics AACL 2014

    American Association of Applied Corpus Linguistics -Extended Deadline to March 3 Second Call - Extended deadline! Call for Papers for the American Association of Applied Corpus Linguistics AACL 2014 The American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) call for papers for the next conference...
  7. 动态语法

    Third International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse

    回复: Third International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse Deadline is extended to end of January.
  8. 动态语法

    2nd Conference of the American Pragmatics Association

    *2nd Conference of the American Pragmatics Association* October 17-19, 2014 at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 2nd Call for Papers Call Deadline: 15-Apr-2014 The goal of the joint conference is to promote both theoretical and applied research in pragmatics, and bring...
  9. 动态语法


    回复: 网友真有才。应用语料库语言学的杰出实践:"汪峰歌词表"网路走红:117首歌曲常用字排行出炉 附图:高频词
  10. 动态语法


    不服不行!这种有创意的应用,语料库的专家们也应该自叹不如了吧? (网友“于弦cos”跟Corpus4U有没有关系?) ------------------------ (转自凤凰网)自从和章子怡陷入爱河后,一直给人以孤高印象的才子汪峰,忽然就落入凡尘了。 继“上不了头条”成了头条新闻后,网友“于弦cos”按照形容词、名词和动词,总结出了汪峰117首歌的歌词中出现频率最高的词(同一词语在一首歌出现只算一次),其中包括54次“爱”、50次“生命”、34次“孤独”等,任何人只要根据随便一串数字,略做加工,就可以写出一首汪峰感的歌词。...
  11. 动态语法

    Call for Papers for the American Association of Applied Corpus Linguistics AACL 2014

    The American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) call for papers for the next conference September 26-28, 2014, in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. Abstracts Faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars are invited to submit abstracts for 25-minute papers (20 minute presentation + 5...
  12. 动态语法

    香港教育学院 Roundtable Conference on Corpus Linguistics

    Roundtable Conference on Corpus Linguistics With special themes on parallel, comparable & multimodal corpus 09:30 - 09:35 Opening remarks 09:35 - 10:20 Tao Hongyin Parallel Multimodal Corpora: Construction and Applications 10:25 - 11:10 Andy Chin Extending an Early Cantonese Corpus for...
  13. 动态语法


    回复: 求教:Biber教授几个术语怎么翻译? 请参考《当代语言学》2001.2期上雷秀云、杨惠中的相关文章及其翻译。
  14. 动态语法

    Cornell Movie-Dialogs Corpus (English)

    Cornell Movie-Dialogs Corpus, a large, metadata-rich collection of conversations extracted from movie scripts. The data includes over 220,000 conversational exchanges involving in total 9000+ characters from 617 movies. Prior uses of this corpus include: * Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil...
  15. 动态语法

    American Association for Corpus Linguistics Calls for Proposals

    CALL FOR PAPERS The American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) calls for proposals for paper presentations at their next conference in San Diego, January 18-20, 2013. Abstracts Faculty, graduate students, and independent scholars are invited to submit abstracts for 20-minute...
  16. 动态语法

    Would a formulaic sequence be considered formulaic if native speakers place pauses in

    回复: Would a formulaic sequence be considered formulaic if native speakers place pause As Haiyang said, this is a great question. My thoughts: 1) Pause itself can vary greatly in speech and can be used for many different purposes. There is a huge literature in psycholinguistics on this. This...
  17. 动态语法

    The Second International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse 第二届汉语语言与话语国际研讨会

    The Second International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse 第二届汉语语言与话语国际研讨会 / 第二屆漢語語言與話語國際研討會 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore June 9-11, 2012 http://portal.cohass.ntu.edu.sg/ChineseLanguageAndDiscourse/ The International Symposium on Chinese Language and...
  18. 动态语法

    WordSmith Tools 6 (Beta) available for testing

    回复: WordSmith Tools 6 (Beta) available for testing Something wrong with your internet connection? I had no problem accessing it from Beijing. I tried both ways: with VPN secure connection and without, and it worked fine both times.
  19. 动态语法

    WordSmith Tools 6 (Beta) available for testing

    No official release yet as Mike Scott is still adding new features, but you can get a beta copy from: http://www.lexically.net/wordsmith/version6/index.html Temporary registration code is in the 'readme.txt' file under the program directory. Has some neat new features (e.g. Word Cloud) and...
  20. 动态语法

    AntConc released

    回复: AntConc released This version solved all the problems that the earlier version has. Thanks to Laurence for the quick update and the hard work.