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    回复: 您是如何得知本站的?欢迎参加调查! 导师推荐的 受益匪浅
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    回复: 思维导图----语料库语言学入门 每次来都有很多收获 真的很感谢各位老师!
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    有关一本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teaching

    回复: 有关一本书Patterns and Meanings: Using corpora for English language research and teach 能不能也发给我一份?不胜感激~~ shaoyanping666@163.com
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    A critique of the concept of semantic prosody

    回复: A critique of the concept of semantic prosody Thanks a lot! I will keep all eyes on corpus4u!
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    [Download] Collocations as a language resource

    回复: [Download] Collocations as a language resource I got it. Thanks a lot!
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    [Download] Collocations as a language resource

    回复: [Download] Collocations as a language resource Dear Dr. Xiao, why the page I am looking for is missing? I am in urgent need of this thesis as my reference . Thanks a lot !
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    Semantic prosody and semantic preference

    回复: Semantic prosody and semantic preference Dr. Xiao, thanks a lot for your generously reference sharing! I have been interested in such topic as semantic prosody ever since I had a general idea of the related research about it. I am doutful that, for example, whether the word cause has...