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    回复: 提供文献服务 谢谢楼主,万分感谢!!!:D
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    回复: 提供文献服务 求以下论文,请楼主帮忙! Altenberg, Bengt. 1986. Contrastive linking in spoken and written English. English in Speech and Writing: A Symposium. Ed. Gunnel Tottie and Ingegerd Backlund. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 13-40 Newton, J. and G. Kennedy. (1996). Effects of...
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    求2002年International Journal of Corpus Linguistics上的一篇文章

    Bolton, K., Nelson, G., & Hung, J. (2002). A corpus-based study of connectors in student writing [J]. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 写论文急用,谢谢各位了! Email: vivian.shadow@163.com
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    文献求助3篇 及Sylviane Granger的文章2002

    Crismore, A., Markkanen, R. & Steffensen, M. (1993). Meta-discourse in persuasive writing: A study of texts written by American and Finish University students. Written Communication, 10, 39-71 Field, Y. & Yip, L. M. O. (1992). A comparison of internal cohesive conjunction in the English essay...
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    求助The use of adverbial connectors in advanced Swedish learners' written English

    回复: 求助The use of adverbial connectors in advanced Swedish learners' written English 顶下