
  1. S

    Accessible learner corpora

    Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Accessible learner corpora Well, yes I know that! However, I cannot find any way to actually *access* the corpus...
  2. S

    Accessible learner corpora

    Thank you xujiajin
  3. S

    Accessible learner corpora

    Re: 回复: Accessible learner corpora Lots of good links there, but nothing to learner corpora.
  4. S

    Accessible learner corpora

    Are there any learner corpora with a searchable web interface? I can't find any links on these forums at all (except for CLEC, which doesn't work).
  5. S

    How to access CLEC?

    Re: CLEC The links to search CLEC don't seems to work, neither Chinese nor English. Is it normally stable?