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    pattern grammar对应的中文术语

    回复: pattern grammar对应的中文术语 Thanks a lot!
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    pattern grammar对应的中文术语

    请问各位老师,pattern grammar对应的中文术语是什么?
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    回复: 求教有关FREQUENCY的一个问题 Thanks a lot!
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    [Download] Collocations as a language resource

    回复: [Download] Collocations as a language resource Thanks a lot!
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    回复: WordSmith能不能检索一本按章节保存的小说? 我试试,谢谢laohong 老师.
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    回复: WordSmith能不能检索一本按章节保存的小说? laohong老师,我试着下载了WS4.0,但是检索结果只能出现前25个.怎么购买这个软件呢?
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    回复: WordSmith能不能检索一本按章节保存的小说? 谢谢laohong老师。frequency有没有一个像t值那样的标准参数?比如,一个词的频率是0.09,能说明什么吗?
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    Semantic prosody and semantic preference

    回复: Semantic prosody and semantic preference Dr. Xiao, I got it just now. Thanks!
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    Semantic prosody and semantic preference

    回复: Semantic prosody and semantic preference Dr. Xiao, I am trying to write a paper and may quote some information from your paper "Collocation, Semantic Prosody and near Synonymy: A Cross-linguistic Perspective", but unfortunately I can not find the resources. I wonder if you could tell me...
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    Thanks very much! I'll try to read more books about it.
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    I read a sentence from the paper of Richard Xiao and Tony McEnery: "semantic prosodies are typically negative, with relatively few of them bearing an affectively positive meaning ... " Could you tell me why "semantic prosodies are typically negative"?
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    I see, thanks for instruction. Are there any equivalent translation in Chinese for 'SEMANTIC PROSODY' and 'SEMANTIC PREFERENCE'?
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    Semantic prosody and semantic preference

    Thanks very much for introducing documents generously!
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    I have read Xiao's paper, thanks very much for introducing the paper to me. Could we explain it like this: semantic prosody is the affective meaning or connotational meaning produced when a node occurs together with its collacates. Hope to get instruction!
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    Thanks very much for giving me wonderful answers. Yes, what I hope to know is semantic prosody, could you tell me what it is in Chinese?
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