
  1. G


    回复: 求助文献 Thank you soooooooo much!!!:)
  2. G


    好久没有来论坛看,今日回来倍感亲切。生活每一天,学习仍进行。求论文一篇,望得到大家帮助,不胜感激! title: Creative teachers and creative teaching strategies International Journal of Consumer Studies Volume 29, Issue 4, pages 352–358, July 2005 再次表示感谢!:)
  3. G


    回复: 您是如何得知本站的?欢迎参加调查! from my teacher who attended the seminar organized by the FLTRP.
  4. G


    回复: 求助文献 还有一篇文章求助:题目:Aesthetic Teaching 作者: Mark A. Pike 出处: Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 38, No. 2 Summer, 2004, pp. 20--37. 不知如何表示感谢了!谢谢!!!
  5. G


    回复: 求助文献 我知道了!再次表示谢谢!
  6. G


    回复: 求助文献 您好!我知道如何下载查看了!万分感谢!!!
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  8. G


    回复: 求助文献 您好!看到恢复心里万分感激!迫不及待地下载却发现是php文件,无法打开。有什么办法我可以看到文章吗?心里很着急。谢谢您了!
  9. G

    求助:期刊论文:Chaos/complexity science and second language acquistion

    回复: 求助:期刊论文:Chaos/complexity science and second language acquistion 给你发至邮箱,请注意查收。
  10. G


    您好!两篇文章求助:1. Appreciating the beauty of science ideas: Teaching for aesthetic understanding 来源:Science Education Volume 87 Issue 4, Pages 574-587 2. Teaching Aesthetics and Aesthetic Teaching : Toward a Deweyan Perspective 来源: Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol.40, No.2 (Summer, 2006)...
  11. G

    传本书请大家看看:Using Technology in Teaching

    回复: 传本书请大家看看:Using Technology in Teaching Thank jessie all the same!!
  12. G

    传本书请大家看看:Using Technology in Teaching

    回复: 传本书请大家看看:Using Technology in Teaching 下载了,很有兴趣想看,可惜打不开。请教:如何阅读php文件?
  13. G

    求助文献: Language acquisition and language use from a chaos/complexity theory perspectiv

    回复: 求助文献: Language acquisition and language use from a chaos/complexity theory perspe 怪不得见天看邮箱没有收到,我是右键点击您的用户名,然后发送邮件的,并祝您新年快乐了! 虽然我的邮件您没收到,但我的祝福依然。我的邮箱地址:gyyxyz1@yahoo.com.cn
  14. G

    求助文献: Language acquisition and language use from a chaos/complexity theory perspectiv

    回复: 求助文献: Language acquisition and language use from a chaos/complexity theory perspe 已给您发送邮件,写明我的邮箱地址!多谢!多谢!:)
  15. G

    求助文献: Language acquisition and language use from a chaos/complexity theory perspectiv

    管理员您好! 又要请您帮忙了,多谢多谢! Larsen-Freeman, D. (2002). Language acquisition and language use from a chaos/complexity theory perspective. In C. Kramsch (ed.), Language acquisition and language socialization: Ecological perspectives, pp. 33–46. London: Continuum.
  16. G


    回复: 求助期刊文献 谢谢您!谢谢!如果有可能,我真心希望能为您做点什么!:)
  17. G


    您好!向您求助期刊文献: de Bot, K., Verspoor, M., & Lowie, W (2007). A Dynamic Systems Theory approach to second language acquisition. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 10, 7-21 多谢了!:)
  18. G

    求助:期刊论文:Chaos/complexity science and second language acquistion

    万分感谢! 我的e-mail: gyyxyz1@yahoo.com.cn 都不知该怎么感谢您了!谢谢!
  19. G

    求助:期刊论文:Chaos/complexity science and second language acquistion

    回复: 求助:期刊论文:Chaos/complexity science and second language acquistion 是这个,就是这个,请问您那里有的话,请您发给我,谢谢!!
  20. G

    求助:期刊论文:Chaos/complexity science and second language acquistion

    Chaos/complexity science and second language acquistion, 这篇文章是Larsen-Freeman, D.2002年在 Language acquisition and language socialization 上发表的,急需您的帮助,如果找到,不胜感激!