
  1. E

    From Corpus to Classroom Language Use and Language Teaching

    回复: From Corpus to Classroom Language Use and Language Teaching 非常感谢,无私地我们提供这样宝贵的资料,好人好运!!!
  2. E

    metadiscourse/stance studies on oral English

    回复: metadiscourse/stance studies on oral English It is really my interest, that is study the metadiscourse in oral text. But there is an embrassing problem that what the distinction between metadiscourse and discourse markers is. I am still struggling in distinguishing the two terminologies...
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    回复: antconc3.1.3可以检索中文吗? 请问:将英文的文本进行了清楚格式和自动切分句子后,以unicode形式存入写字板后,用concordance 软件能检索,而用Antconc 就不能执行呢?请您指明中间还缺少什么环节? “前提是语料库经过短语级或句级以上的句法标注” --有操作示意图吗? ---来自初级学习者的求助!!!