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    Wow~~~ I didn't expect that this topic could become such a hot issue,hehe! Anyway thanks to all the experts who have kindly offered their suggestions or opinions. I've changed 'self-built/established corpus' into 'DIY corpus' in my graduate thesis and now I'm waiting to see my advisor's...
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    多谢楼上两位的回复! Yet I feel 'DIY corpus' a verbal phrase rather than a noun phrase, can it be used to refer to a certain kind of corpus? Thanks again!
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    请教各位前辈: 我的毕业论文是基于自己收集sample texts(大部分来自BNC,其他随机选自网络和文本资料)的语料库所作的研究。我在论文中对此的定义是self-built corpus和self-established corpus。导师让我再问问权威人士这种表达方式是否合理。故发到此处向大家咨询。如果不行的话,应当怎么表达呢? many thanks! ^_^
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    我昨天下到一个叫editplus的软件,似乎可以将xml文件转换为txt文件并保存。 这个软件好像功能很强大的样子,反正我刚刚用它把BNC里的语料转换为txt文件保存成功了。好高兴!^_^ 应该就是在corpus4u里面看到的下载,但我忘了具体哪个帖子了@_@ 楼主可以搜搜看。因为没有注册,所以只能试用30天,但我已经很开心了,呵呵~~
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    如何将BNC语料中POS tag去掉并存为.txt格式?有程序下载哦!

    I've downloaded PERL,but don't know how to create this"perl script"
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    我也有类似的问题。 这儿有一个相关的帖子: http://www.corpus4u.org/showthread.php?p=1368 帖子里讨论的是将语料中的POS tag去掉后存为txt文件的方法,也许有点参考作用。 我正在尝试,不过目前还没有成功*_*
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    [求助]Consulting about the use of BNC

    Thank you hancunxin. I've read through that thread carefully, and thanks to its help, I installed the disk smoothly. However I still have some questions about the use of BNC. I've searched for relevant information on internet but couldn't find answer.
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    A Corpus Worker`s Toolkit:语料库工具箱-0908 更新

    Thank you, but none of the links above are accessible now
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    如何将BNC语料中POS tag去掉并存为.txt格式?有程序下载哦!

    回复:如何将BNC语料中POS tag去掉并存为.txt格式?有程序下载哦! Excume me, where can I find the Perl script? I've downloaded Perl but don't know how to carry out these steps. Thank you!!!
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    555555555…… 真丢人,记错发贴的板块了…… I'm so sorry! 不过也请大家帮我看看那个帖子吧,我非常需要专家们的帮助!
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    Thank you, but not that one. I posted another one named as "Consulting about the use of BNC"
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    前几天发了一个求助贴,没有人回复,现在突然发现连帖子都消失了…… what happned?
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    [求助]Consulting about the use of BNC

    Why is there no response?
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    [求助]Consulting about the use of BNC

    The above are the questions that has been confusing me by now. I hope I've made them clear and I'm eager for your kind help. I love here and I believe here because there are so many experts & vetarans in this field, who are always ready to help others. Thank you for all your work and generosity!
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    [求助]Consulting about the use of BNC

    回复:[求助]Consulting about the use of BNC The third question: What are the functions of all the subfolders? For instance, "index" and "texts" are the two hugest folders. In "index" there are thousands of .sid files, the default file type is "ACDSee SID", which means the default software...
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    [求助]Consulting about the use of BNC

    回复:[求助]Consulting about the use of BNC I would be overjoyed if you say that my installment is successful... However, I should admit that I'm a complete layman in the use of corpus. Is there any instruction on the use of BNC? The more detailed the better, one with the step-by-step explanation...
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    [求助]Consulting about the use of BNC

    回复:[求助]Consulting about the use of BNC This is the picture of the subfolders(is this term correct? ): There are 5 subfolders, but TIGER has 6. The one that I don't have is named as "indexer". Is it indispendable? Where can I get it ?
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    [求助]Consulting about the use of BNC

    I spent about 2 hrs on the installment of BNC this afternoon. Now a folder of over 3G has been created. The size of the files is almost the same with figure offered by TIGER in another posting, but I'm still not so confident in my success (because the whole process of installment was too smooth...
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    BNC不知道如何用? World Edition Installation

    回复:BNC不知道如何用? World Edition Installation Excume me, I've installed BNC on my laptop. I guess it has been successful because a folder of around 3.72 G has been created, but there's something different from TIGER's picture. In TIGER's piture he has 6 folders, but in my new folder there are...
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    must BNC be installed in C Disk?

    So good! Thanks Patricx! I was confused because my supervisor told me to leave 5G in C Disk. That is really a huuuuge project for me... T_T