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    [求助]Mandarin conversational narrative!

    Thank you very much for the information, Dr. Xiao!
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    [求助]Mandarin conversational narrative!

    Did anyone find any recent research done with Mandarin conversation narrative (storytelling)? I am preparing for my dissertation proposal...but all I could find about Mandarin narrative is the pear story website (http://www.pearstories.org/docu/biblio.htm), which is not strictly "conversational...
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    一个corpus linguistics的课程链接

    ah...actually I am not taking this class. I just know about the course and put the link here FYI. But I can try to forward the question to someone who is taking it. Sorry for disappointing you. [emm5][emm9]
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    当然对技术的追求是无止境的,可是要多么好才算满足accoustic analysis的要求呢?以前md没出来的时候大家也还是得做研究啊。 不过我严重同意,在条件允许的情况下,data越精确越好,越广泛越好--这个充分说明了建立相关语料库的重要和迫切。比如说到汉语口语语料,先不说数量和可信赖度,居然都找不到一个可以access的库,光靠个人收集转写,质量当然参差不齐,可研究的范围和和精确度都会受很多影响。 我也是最近被这些语料问题弄得头大,多发两句牢骚。十万分的希望能早日看到一个优秀的,能够被广泛应用的汉语口语语料库。也许这个就是为什么corpus4u会这么有人气,大家都期待着呢。
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    为了保险起见,还是稍微专业一点好。一般的mp3的质量拿来录坐下来的谈话确实也是可以,不过,我以前用mp3 player录过classroom talk, 对话一方走动的时候一些谈话就捕捉不到。
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    啊,如果不是语音研究用不了那么专业吧?人家那是做音乐cd的呢。 M-audio至少都要400多美金。 好一点的录音笔要200左右,效果已经很好了,再加一个好一点的话筒,就更好了。 MD好像将近300。
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    对啊,这个可能不行吧? 不过说到录音设备,我在用olympus ws320m,录音效果很好。Olympus DM-20的评价也不错,反正olympus或者sony的专业录音笔都不错的吧。
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    推荐一套丛书 Studies in corpus linguistics (22本)

    Just found that volum 1-15 (except for 6) are available for "browse before you buy". You can actually read the whole thing online! Isn't it great?
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    How to read Benjamins"s books online?

    This is so cool!! Thanks a lot! There are smart people there in P&B! I like the idea of 'browse before buy'.
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    Discourse Markers in NS/NNS English Discourse

    Tell me about it! The book price here is sooooo ridiculous. I mean...who do they think would buy these books? people from Wall Street?
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    推荐一套丛书 Studies in corpus linguistics (22本)

    有人推荐过了吗?我刚用主页上的google查了下,好像没有。可是这么大的一套书,难道没有人推荐? http://www.benjamins.com/cgi-bin/t_seriesview.cgi?series=SCL Volumes 22. NEW! Textual Patterns: Key words and corpus analysis in language education Scott, Mike and Christopher Tribble 2006. x, 203 pp. 21. NEW! Exploring Corpora...
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    一个corpus linguistics的课程链接

    http://www2.hawaii.edu/~bergen/corpus/ 是我们学校一个年轻有为的教授的课程主页。Lakoff的得意弟子哦。 觉得也许对有些朋友有用,所以贴上来分享。
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    推荐口语转写软件 f4

    Oops.... I thought it was something like Dragon Naturally Speaking Voice To Print software....
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    推荐口语转写软件 f4
