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    Television Dialogue The sitcom Friends vs. Natural Conversation

    回复: Television Dialogue The sitcom Friends vs. Natural Conversation Looking forward to it! TV dialogue is said to be quasi-natural language.
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    Re: 回复: 用Wordsimith4检索CLEC的子集st3发现数据有问题?请指教。 谢谢,还有些发现: WST4中的tokens in text 统计标点,但把连续标点算作一个,数字也一样;而tokens used for word list 不统计标点,也把连续数字算做一个。 试统计 200..5, tokens in text 是4个(200/../5/,) tokens used for word list 是2个 (200/5) 望指正
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    回复: 请问用wordsmith检索出来的结果,进行整理删除掉一些索引行后,还可以进行统计吗? I don't think it can be updated. Maybe you have to do it indirectly. save the remaining lines as txt-file, then get it concordanced again.
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    回复: 检索误差原因? I guess there might be words like "takeing", "taked" or "take-in".:confused:
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    回复: 国内通行大学英语教材总揽 http://www.hjbbs.com/dispbbs.asp?BoardId=30&ID=284012 [调查]你们学校使用什么英语教材?
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    回复: 国内通行大学英语教材总揽 教材名:《高级英语阅读教程》 编者:黄次栋 唐力行 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 出版年月:1999年5月 一套多少册:2 专业还是非专业:专业 本科还是研究生:本科 适合什么年级使用:4 使用范围: 使用年限: 有何配套资源: 其它相关信息
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    回复: 国内通行大学英语教材总揽 教材名:《新编大学英语(第二版)》 编者:浙江大学 主编 应惠兰 出版社:外研社 出版年月:2004年8月第一版 一套多少册:6 专业还是非专业:非专业 本科还是研究生:本科 适合什么年级使用:1-3 使用范围: 使用年限: 有何配套资源:视听说教程 教参 cd-rom 其它相关信息
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    WS4: Resorting by search-words frequency?

    回复: WS4: Resorting by search-words frequency? Here is a sample, how to display it "TO-I-THE" rather than "TO-THE-I"?
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    WS4: Resorting by search-words frequency?

    回复: WS4: Resorting by search-words frequency? armstrong, thank you for your concern. Will you detail the steps? I cannot find this function in Concordance by pressing F6.
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    WS4: Resorting by search-words frequency?

    Is it possible to re-sort the concordance lines by the frequency of the search-words? (I mean the search words were loaded.) A click on the SET label only gets the words sorted alphabetically. :confused:
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    williamJia 发布的 CLEC分析软件测试版 中有几个是空文档,作统计时可能并不影响结果,只是在这里指出来。见下图:
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    偶然发现的一个去标记符号的regular expression 组合

    回复: 偶然发现的一个去标记符号的regular expression 组合 学习了 原来在[]中的{}可以表示多个单字符的选择,跟|有点像啊
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    Asking for help about the Match List

    When a wordlist has been made, how to match more than one expressions using "template" in "match list" in WS4? The manual only provides an example of one item (*ing), and is it possible to use more expressions at the same time, for example, *ing AND *ed ? I tried the operaters such as "/" ...
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    [E-book] Developing Linguistic Corpora

    回复: [E-book] Developing Linguistic Corpora I guess it should be: icar.univ-lyon2.fr/ecole_thematique/contaci/documents/Baude/wynne.pdf
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    回复: 怯怯地问个低级问题 韩宝成的《外语教学科研中的统计方法》中提到三类抽样方法:简单随机抽样、等距抽样和分层抽样。供楼主参考
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    求一篇文章by Schmitt & Carter

    回复: 求一篇文章by Schmitt & Carter Maybe the link of http://books.google.com/ can provide some pages if the search words used properly.
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    回复: [转贴]可检索英语期刊所在数据库的小软件 还有一种方法就是利用google的学术搜索,在题目下方有一行绿色字体,最后几个字符往往是其所在数据库 http://scholar.google.com/
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    a corpus of spoken American Media English

    回复: a corpus of spoken American Media English You may follow this article to find information about the author: Liu, D. (2003). The most frequently used spoken American English idioms: A corpus analysis and its implications. TESOL Quarterly, 38(4), 671-700.
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    汉语文本处理常见问题及解答 中文 Chinese text processing FAQ

    回复: 汉语文本处理常见问题及解答Chinese text processing FAQ 我做了个VBA程序,测试一下。:D 在Word中打开待处理的文本,按Alt+F11进入Visual Basic编辑器,双击左侧“工程”窗口中的"ThisDocument",将附件 vba.txt中代码粘贴到右边空白处,按F5执行,最后将处理过的文本保存或另存为。