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    I would replace them with a symbol, for instance, "FML" . This will preserve the integrity of sentence structure as formulars are often part of a sentence.
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    回复: 紧急求助:如何删除文本中所有文字,只保留<>标记? Tons of thanks, Chris Yang, for your timely help. EditPad did take care of my problem.
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    有大量txt文本,平均4千词长,用十几对标签,如<IET1>和</IET1>,<IPR3>和</IPR3> 做了标记,现欲删除所有文字,但保留所有标签,并合并成一个文本。求高手帮助解决,衷心感谢谢。 附件是一个sample
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    有大量txt文本,平均4千词长,用十几对标签,如<IET1>和</IET1>,<IPR3>和</IPR3> 做了标记,现欲删除所有文字,但保留所有标签,并合并成一个文本。求高手帮助解决,衷心谢谢。 附件是一个sample
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    Multidimensional Analysis Tagger v 1.0

    回复: Multidimensional Analysis Tagger v 1.0 I tried tagging a single text with the tagger, but the ST and MAt tagged texts were blank. Could somebody help solve the problem? Thanks.
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    回复: 急急急:词性赋码之后的txt文本,用AntConc怎么检索出所有的实词? you need to use the concordance tool, not the word list tool.
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    回复: 求助:李福印博士论文 His dissertation is entitled "The acquisition of metaphorical expressions, idioms, and proverbs by Chinese learners of English: A conceptual metaphor and image schema based approach".
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    Could anybody share Crookes' (1986) article?

    回复: Could anybody share Crookes' (1986) article? That's very kind of you, Chris. Lots of thanks. Byron
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    Could anybody share Crookes' (1986) article?

    I'd appreciate it very much if anybody could send an electronic copy of this article: Crookes, G. (1986). Towards a validated analysis of scientific text structure. Applied Linguistics, 7(1), 57-70. I need to see how Crookes checked inter-rater reliabiity using Cohen's kappa. Here's my email...
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    回复: Biber的多维度分析=数据挖掘&文本聚类分析? MD analysis examines a large number of observable linguistic features for a small number of unobserval, underlying constructs or factors. The factors are called dimensions becasue each represent a continuous scale. Just as, in physical check-ups, different...
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    有关register, genre和style

    回复: 有关register, genre和style another piece of evidence that the world is made of stories, not atoms.
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    求助文献一篇ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database一篇

    回复: 求助文献一篇ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) database一篇 sent to your email address
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    求助Stefan Gries的专著Quantitative Corpus Linguistics with R

    回复: 求助Stefan Gries的专著Quantitative Corpus Linguistics with R please find the book in your emailbox
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    BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具

    回复: BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具 That's cool. Thank you very much, Dr Xu. Have a nice week.
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    BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具

    回复: BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具 What if I would like to have my text coded in black instead of red? Thx a lot
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    BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具

    回复: BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具 Thanks, Dr Xu
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    BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具

    回复: BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具 that glitch doesn't matter much though
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    BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具

    回复: BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具 Hi again, Dr Xu, I need to create a sub-corpus of each move. Could you sugggest a regular expression for extracting from a corpus all the text segements tagged, for example, as Move 1? The length of a rhetorical move varies from a sentence to a...
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    李亮版语料标注标签的删除与提取工具 1.0【大容量高速独立exe版】.exe

    回复: 李亮版语料标注标签的删除与提取工具 1.0【大容量高速独立exe版】.exe thx for the information
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    BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具

    回复: BFSU Qualitative Coder 1.1 质性数据机助标注工具 Thanks, Dr. Xu, I tested the auto coding function. It worked fine, but the statistics button didn't work. The alert says "access violation at address 00404DC3..." How can I take care of this minor problem? Thanks again.