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    [转帖]GOOGLE搜索从入门到精通v2.5 (转载)

    GOOGLE搜索从入门到精通v2.5 (转载) http://forum.corpus4u.org/upload/forum/2005052410212563.pdf
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    [GOOD STUFF] Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)

    Well, I'm towards C#.NET, with a major focus on ASP.NET.[emb2][emb2][emb2]
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    学者论坛:社会需要说英语的嘴巴和听英语的耳朵 刘润清 戴曼纯 编者按:...
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    100 Million Corpus: registers, WordNet, synonyms

    100 Million Corpus: registers, WordNet, synonyms Date: 04-May-2005 From: Mark Davies <mark_daviesbyu.edu> Subject: 100 Million Corpus: registers, WordNet, synonyms There is a free resource that may be of interest - "Variation in English Words and Phrases" found at...
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    Learner Corpus: Resources

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    UCREL has expertise in applying the following kinds of annotation to corpora: Part-of-speech (POS) tagging Grammatical parsing Word sense tagging Anaphoric annotation Prosodic annotation http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/ucrel/annotation.html
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    The International Corpus of English (ICE) began in 1990 with the primary aim of providing material for comparative studies of varieties of English throughout the world. Twenty centres around the world are preparing corpora of their own national or regional variety of English...
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    CLEC 在线检索网址

    CLEC详细信息 http://www.clal.org.cn/baseinfo/achievement/Achievement1.htm CLEC在线检索 http://www.clal.org.cn/corpus/EngSearchEngine.aspx CLEC收集了包括中学生、大学英语4级和6级、专业英语低年级和高年级在内的5种学生的语料一百多万词,并对言语失误进行标注。其目的就是观察各类学生的英语特征和言语失误的情况,希望通过定量和定性的方法对中国学习者英语作出较为精确的描写,为我国学生的英语教学提供有用的反馈信息。
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    Multilingual Corpora

    Multilingual Corpora Synonyms: multilinguale Korpora, corpus multilingue Definition: Any collection of more than one text in more than one language can be called a multilingual corpus, (corpus being Latin for "body", hence a multilingual corpus is any body of multilingual texts). But the...
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    Methodological Issues

    Methodological Issues Regarding Corpus-based Analyses of Linguistic Variation DOUGLAS BIBER1 1 Northern Arizona University, USA Correspondence: D. Biber, Department of English, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6032, USA. Although corpus-based analyses of linguistic...
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    [原创]WordSmith Tool 4

    WordSmith Tool 4 这个软件本站提供的只是Demo版本,正是的需要购买。
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    [转帖]Types of corpora

    There are many different kinds of corpora. They can contain written or spoken (transcribed) language, modern or old texts, texts from one language or several languages. The texts can be whole books, newspapers, journals, speeches etc, or consist of extracts of varying length. The kind of texts...
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    [转帖]What is a Corpus?

    The word "corpus", derived from the Latin word meaning "body", may be used to refer to any text in written or spoken form. However, in modern Linguistics this term is used to refer to large collections of texts which represent a sample of a particular variety or use of language(s) that are...
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    In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in empirical corpusbased approaches to natural language processing driven by the belief that empirical statistical methods can succeed at many of the problems where rationalist techniques have failed.
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    语料库语言学与外语教学 杨惠中教授 上海交通大学 内容提要 1. 现代语言学研究的主要方法 1.1 内省法(Introspection) 1.2 引出法 (Elicitation) 1.3 语料库语言学的研究方法 (Corpus-based Approach) *现代语言学研究三种方法的比较 2. 语料库语言学的迅速发展 2.1 语料库语言学的主要特征 2.2 语料库语言学的研究方法 - 概率法 2.3 现代语料库的类型 2.4 语料库开发 2.5 语料库加工深度 2.6 语言数据库...
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    文章出处:中国社会科学院院报 语料库语言学的发展 顾曰国 语料库顾名思义就是放语言材料的仓库。现在人们谈起语料库,不言而喻是指存放在计算机里的原始文本或经过加工后带有语言学信息标注的语料文本。现在世界上已经有了不少规模较大的语料库,有些是国家级的,有些由大学和词典出版商联合建设。另外,由于个人微机的迅猛发展和存贮数据的硬盘造价持续下降,研究者个人也开始建立适合于自己研究的小型语料库。...