Does anyone get hold of this software?
I encountered difficulties purchasing this from foreign countries. Can anyone help me by sharing this software with me?
I am happy to pay for the share. Thank you!!
I just attempted to use WordSmith to produce 2-word, 3-word, and 4 word concgrams, but it doesn't seem to support this.
Can WordSmith not do the same work that Concgram1.0 can do???
Thank you for any advice....
Hey, I do have the e-file of CLEC, but there is a copy right issue.
If you can obtain the agreement from the authors of CLEC, then I think I can just email you the file.
回覆: [求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC?
Dr. Xiaoz:
I have installed PERL and followed the steps above.
But the Detagger Tool did not work at all.
Is there anything wrong?