
  1. iamkys2003

    The software Concgram1.0

    Does anyone get hold of this software? I encountered difficulties purchasing this from foreign countries. Can anyone help me by sharing this software with me? I am happy to pay for the share. Thank you!!
  2. iamkys2003

    Can WordSmith generate concgrams by the number of the words?

    I just attempted to use WordSmith to produce 2-word, 3-word, and 4 word concgrams, but it doesn't seem to support this. Can WordSmith not do the same work that Concgram1.0 can do??? Thank you for any advice....
  3. iamkys2003

    缅怀 Dr Richard Xiao 肖忠华教授

    之前才得知Adam Kilgariff病逝的消息,現在又聽到肖教授離開,語料庫語言學界真是痛失英才!! 兩位學者我也都僅見過一次面,但是深受他們的學術啟發。 他們對後人的影響巨大,在此感謝他們!! May they rest in peace~
  4. iamkys2003


    Hey, I do have the e-file of CLEC, but there is a copy right issue. If you can obtain the agreement from the authors of CLEC, then I think I can just email you the file.
  5. iamkys2003


    我來自台灣,想到內地大學任教 希望找和自己專業相關的 請大家幫忙推薦學校!! 另外,不知道各大學的招聘訊息要上哪裡找? 感謝!!
  6. iamkys2003

    Sinclair (2005) Document relativity. Manuscript. Tuscan Word Centre, Italy

    Has anyone got hold of this article? Please share it with me. I will be sincerely grateful.
  7. iamkys2003

    mwetoolkit - The Multiword Expressions toolkit

    回覆: mwetoolkit - The Multiword Expressions toolkit thank u, interesting resource!!
  8. iamkys2003


    求助~谁有关于CLEC genres and topics的详细资料?或者可以连上那个网页有? 多谢!!
  9. iamkys2003

    求助~請問When time goes on是教科書中常出現的詞嗎?

    回覆: 求助~請問When time goes on是教科書中常出現的詞嗎? 我是想知道這是否可能是教學效果 所以想請問教科書是否有將其列入??
  10. iamkys2003

    求助~請問When time goes on是教科書中常出現的詞嗎?

    我在CLEC的語料分析中發現高中生及大學生常用此詞 有人能告訴我,是否此詞有在教科書中被當成詞組教? 多謝!
  11. iamkys2003

    中国语料库语言学研究会(Corpus Linguistics Society of China)成立

    回覆: 中国语料库语言学研究会(Corpus Linguistics Society of China)成立 congrats~ Anyone knows how to get the membership? thx...
  12. iamkys2003

    High frequency collocations and second language learning

    回覆: High frequency collocations and second language learning Thank you. Dr. Xiao. This is truly useful~
  13. iamkys2003

    求John Sinclair 的 Looking up

    回覆: 求John Sinclair 的 Looking up Which chapter in this book do you need?
  14. iamkys2003

    请教:difference between CIA, CLCA and CEA

    回覆: 请教:difference between CIA, CLCA and CEA learner corpus analysis can deal with many aspects of interlanguage, not only the errors.
  15. iamkys2003

    [求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC?

    回覆: [求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC? 原來如此~受教了 感謝!
  16. iamkys2003

    [求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC?

    回覆: [求助]How to remove the error tags in CLEC? Dr. Xiaoz: I have installed PERL and followed the steps above. But the Detagger Tool did not work at all. Is there anything wrong?
  17. iamkys2003

    Programs listed at Corpus4U

    回覆: Programs listed at Corpus4U 請問這些軟件可以到哪裡下載試用?