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    回复: 【分享】我目前刚刚成为卓越SVIP,当当网钻石VIP,需要买书的朋友可以联系我我 恩,是的,我跟自己的学生也讲过了。当然包括所有的朋友,他们只管等着收书,还可以有价格优惠,何乐不为呵呵。这个VIP可能对一些朋友来说,没什么的, 一本书不过便宜几块钱的事,可能因为我对这个VIP可谓垂涎已久,做成了自然也很开心,现在想想在这里发个贴子,似乎有点小题大做了哈。 俺其实也没什么目标可言,并不是说一定要借助于这里的朋友维持目前的VIP身份。...
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    回复: 【分享】我目前刚刚成为卓越SVIP,当当网钻石VIP,需要买书的朋友可以联系我我 恩恩,俺晓得了,非常感谢laohong老师的善意提醒,在当下,凡事皆有可能吧。如果需要有俺代下订单的朋友可以先QQ联系我。充分使用SVIP,钻石VIP会员资格,帮助朋友们买 书时省点钱是俺的想法。俺一直觉得,资源闲置是最大的浪费。
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    回复: 【分享】我目前刚刚成为卓越SVIP,当当网钻石VIP,需要买书的朋友可以联系我我...
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    前段时间做论文的时候,经常在这里提问,也得到laohong老师以及其他各位老师同学的很多帮助,在这里再感谢一下。 我发这个贴子,也是因为成了VIP兴奋,也很想大家买书都可以受益,所以没考虑那么多,真是抱歉哈。 其实俺只是出于帮忙的心,并无其他利可以图,俺在南京,刚刚博士毕业,英语老师。如果在当当和卓越有需要让我下订单的朋友,只有货到付款这种方式,就是收到书后再付款。如果觉得这样不可信的话,可以把这个贴子删除掉,没关系的,呵呵。毕竟每个论坛都有其规则。 感谢laolong老师的提醒,俺不妥之处,见谅了。
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    Happy Birthday, corpus4u!

    回复: Happy Birthday, corpus4u! Happy Birthday, Corpus4u!!
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    文献如下, Zhang, D.L. (1991). Role relationships and their realization in mood and modality. Text, 11 (2): 289-318. thanks in advance!
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    回复: 求文献一篇 已经找到...thanks for whatever
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    Interpersonal meaning, persuasion and public discourse: packing semiotic a punch, J.R. Martin, Australian Journal of Linguistic,1995, (15(1), 33-67 huge thanks in advance.
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    回复: 达人帮忙,求论文、文章各一篇,无限感谢! send the e-mail, waiting for your response. thanks again for your kind offer.
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    help! logogenesis, ontogenesis, translation and a coined word related with genesis

    first question: ontogenesis, the development of individua. 个体发生or 发展, ok to me. logongenesis, the unfolding of texts, to my knowledge, at least in my study, but wonder how to put it in chinese? second question: if we say the development of knowledge , how to put it in one word, something...
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    Sydney eScholarship Repository: a real treasure

    Sydney eScholarship Repository Welcome to Sydney eScholarship Repository, an institutional repository service of the University of Sydney. This is an initiative of the University of Sydney Library. a treasure to me. in my unstanding a whole libaray of sydney university is waiting for...
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    博士论文: Ho, Caroline 2002: Online Communication: A Study of the Construction of Discourse and Community in an Electronic Discussion Forum. Unpublished Phd Thesis: Department of English, University of Birmingham 伯明H大学的图书馆里收录。。。 文章: Coffin, Caroline and Kieran O'Halloran (2006). The role of...
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    回复: 求学术文章两篇,谢谢! thank you so much!!!
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    回复: 求助:BNCS的单词列表 right after my posting, i found i got it wrong, you were asking for wordlist of BNSC, not BNC. :D
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    回复: 求助:BNCS的单词列表 the following message was posted by Dr. xiao. the original link is this: http://forum.corpus4u.org/showthread.php?t=146&highlight=bnc+wordlist [下载]BNC Word List for use with WordSmith --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
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    回复: 求学术文章两篇,谢谢! got the paper, social dynamics of an on-line scholarly debate. but couldn't see another one, am i so stupid or? even one article, i could feel so gratiful, in fact, i never thought i could get the help. i am here just to ask for help and this one seems so unrelated. when i...
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    回复: 求学术文章两篇,谢谢! more information about the two articles: 1. Hert, 1997, Social dynamics of an on-line scholarly debate source: The Information Society, Volume 13, Number 4, 1 December 1997, pp. 329-360(32). 2. Rojo and Ragsdale, 1997, A Process Perspective on Participation in Scholarly...
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    have no access to the following two articles, and fail to google them. thanks in advance. Hert, 1997, Social dynamics of an on-line scholarly debate Rojo and Ragsdale, 1997, A Process Perspective on Participation in Scholarly Electronic Forums