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    我最近因为需要看几篇旧的文章, 自己找不道,所以才请各位老师帮忙。谢谢各位的建议和忠告,我尽可能自己多搜一下。不过,在此我要声明一点,我喜欢这个论坛,但由于能力有限并没有为这个论坛做啥出贡献,我并不是拿了东西就想开溜的人,而是我没有自己的电脑上网不便。希望各位能谅解我给大家带来的不便。谢谢你们!
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    [求助]Finding an article of Pery-Woodley (1990)

    I want to find an artical of Pery-Woodley (1990) for my preparation of thesis. Thanks for the help from all the teachers. public information Pery-Woodley (1990) contrasting discourse: contrastive analysis and a discourse approach to writing. Language teaching23:143-151
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    Thank you! I got this paper. However, I want to know the concrete explanation of "foreign-soundingness" rather than the introduction of ICLE. Can you help me find it or explain the term?
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    [求助]Who can help me find these two papers?

    Who can help me to find the two papers? James, C. 1994, Don't shoot my dodo:On the resilience of contrastive and error analysis. IRAL 32:179-200 Selinker, L. 1989. CA/EA/IL: The earliest experimental record. IRAL 27:267-291 Thank you!
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    Who can help me find the essay Written by Granger? Public information Granger(1993) The International Corpus of Learner English. English language corpora:Design, analysis, and exploitation, ed. by J. Arts, P. de Haan and N. Oostdijk, 57-71. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi
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    Thank you for all of your instruction. I got it.
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    [求助] computer-aided error analysis

    Thank you foy your kindness.
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    Some papers by Grangers for download

    Where can I find The article "From CA TO CIA and back"?
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    Computer-aided error analysis

    Thanks a lot for this which gives me a big hand.
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    [求助] computer-aided error analysis

    在哪里可找到有关computer-aided error analysis的理论和知识?
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    [求助]关于computer-aided error analysis 的理论

    在哪本书里可发现关于computer-aided error analysis 的理论知识? [本贴已被 Ocean 于 2006年04月28日 21时29分13秒 编辑过]
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    McEnery & A. Wilson 合写的《语料库语言学》的书评

    关于computer-aided error analysis的相关理论在哪儿可找到?