
  1. 提取预料库中名词短语 noun phrase extraction

    回复: 提取预料库中名词短语 noun phrase extraction Tregex patterns? what does it mean? Take such a sentence for an example as A clumsy elephant walks down the wide street. noun phrase includes a clumsy elephant and the wide street. so tregex pattern here means the article + adj. + noun. notwithstanding...
  2. 提取预料库中名词短语 noun phrase extraction

    回复: 提取预料库中名词短语 noun phrase extraction actually I was a probie in the field... therefore, a proposal is humbly made here for more explanation. there is not so much info about tregex on the internet and it is difficult for me to undertake the searching as per the mentioned clue. Only if you could...
  3. 提取预料库中名词短语 noun phrase extraction

    如果是简单的名词,通过标注词性很容易获得; 但是名词短语通过什么方式获得, 请教各位,有思路没有?
  4. 怎么发帖子??=_=
