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    论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

    回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary you mean more introductions or explanations? thanks!
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    论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

    回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary I know and now I revised my outline. Can you have a look at it and give me more advice? Thanks a lot! Outline On the Word Frequency of English vocabulary 0.Introduction: why the author wants to write this paper 1. The Word Frequency of English...
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    论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

    回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary 我修改了一下,请老师再看看怎么样? Outline On the Word Frequency of English vocabulary 0.Introduction: why the author wants to write this paper 1. The Word Frequency of English vocabulary 1.1 Brief explanation to word frequency. 1.2 Corpus 1.3 Features...
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    论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

    回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary many many thanks!!!
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    回复:[求助]有没有人知道可以同的免费的语料库啊?谢谢阿 many thanks!!!
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    I urgently need English corpus! general! thanks a lot!
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    论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

    回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary 我也曾经想过这样,可是他说什么要有新意,以前的学生都写的是什么verbs,所以就总的来说了,可是我觉得细的总的都有一个问题,就是corpus太难找到,请问哪里有呀?我现在一点都没有找到
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    论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

    回复:论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary 我现在最头疼的就是corpus,我找了好多地方,可根本找不到,找汉语的干什么?是对比吗
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    论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

    学校给的题目是死的,不允许我换,我也给老师说过可他说不写就别想毕业!!Oh,my god!!help! help!
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    论文求助 word frequency of english vocabulary

    我现在在准备本科毕业,论文题目是:on the word frequency of english vocabulary,我向来喜欢翻译而对词汇学不太感兴趣,可是老师硬是让我写这个题目,各位老师可能帮帮我呀?下面是我苦想的 outline,谢谢了! Outline On the Word Frequency of English vocabulary 0.Introduction: why the author wants to write this paper 1. The Word Frequency of English vocabulary 1.1 Brief...
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    How to write a paper in Corpus Linguistics?

    各位老师,我正在写一篇关于英语词频的论文,我一点头绪没有,有谁帮帮我吗? 注:是毕业论文,我赶兴趣的是翻译,可是老师硬让我写on the word frequency of english vocabulary,我头痛死了,老师还催的要命!