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    回复: 关于powerconc It was very informative and could gather more ideas. :)
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    回复: 题目 Do a research on the topic, and then present your thesis. :)
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    回复: 求助论文,多谢! The concept of explicitation itself, which is generally understood as ‘the spelling out of information which is otherwise implicit in the source text’, has been of special interest in translation studies because of its elusiveness. Different methods have been applied in the study...
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    求文献:‘Contrastive Linking in Spoken and Written English’.

    回复: 求文献:‘Contrastive Linking in Spoken and Written English’. Contrastive relations between successive or more distant segments of discourse rank among the most informative semantic relations in both spoken and written English since they create important cohesive links and thus contribute to...
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    回复: 求助论文,多谢! The concept of explicitation itself, which is generally understood as ‘the spelling out of information which is otherwise implicit in the source text’, has been of special interest in translation studies because of its elusiveness. Different methods have been applied in the study...
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    PhD Position in Corpus Linguistics

    回复: PhD Position in Corpus Linguistics It was a very helpful. I was looking for such an opportunity.
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    Lexical teaching conference

    回复: Lexical teaching conference I am very interested to take part in it. Hope I can.
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    回复: 谁用过这个Saybot? The page is not found. Please re-share it.
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    Academic Phrasebank at Manchester

    回复: Academic Phrasebank at Manchester Since I am focusing on academic writing, it would be really helpful for me. Thanks :)
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    AntConc及AntWordProfiler 视频教程

    回复: AntConc及AntWordProfiler 视频教程 It would be very useful. :)
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    研究习作: Any difference between nobody/no one/none?

    回复: 研究习作: Any difference between nobody/no one/none? 1. Nobody: (Pronoun) Means no person or not any one. It’s not commonly used in written English; and spelling the word with a space (no body), is considered grammatically incorrect. 2. No One: The phrase shares the same meaning with “nobody”...
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    回复: 请帮忙找一篇博士论文 I had found many in online. But I didn't try. This time want to try at least one such service.
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    回复: 请求帮助:基于语料库的语用研究 It is known that in a given situation, one or the other method of English Languageteaching (ELT) may be highly appropriate to certain extent as far as the question of linguistic efficiency of the learners in the English language is concerned. While somemethods have certain...
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    回复: 大家有没有人知道英语议论文范文库的呢? “Systematic” means that the structure and contents of the corpus follows certain extralinguistic principles (“sampling principles”, i.e. principles on the basis of which the texts included were chosen). For example, a corpus is often restricted to certain text types, to...
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    回复: 请求各位前辈的帮助! I bought it from book store. It is easily available from there. Or you can order through online.
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    [HELP] Medical English Thesis

    回复: [HELP] Medical English Thesis The thesis should comprise the following parts: short, but possibly detailed medical history of the patient. Description of the disease and treatment possibilities may be included, but should not exceed two pages; status of the patient at the beginning of the...
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    回复: 论文题目 I have done a thesis on A CORPUS LINGUISTICS STUDY OF SMS TEXT MESSAGING. My thesis reports is a study using a corpus of text messages in English (CorTxt) to explore linguistic features which define texting as a language variety. It focuses on how the language of texting, Txt, is...
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    回复: 国庆节快乐! Wish you to a very Happy National Day. :)
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    回复: 英文论文撰写与国外期刊投稿研修班”报名通知 I an greatly interested in English thesis writing. I have already submitted some paper. Now some other thesis writing is going on. If I get any chance to present my paper, I definitely use it.
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    回复: 什么是“平衡语料库”? Compilation of a hundred million word balanced corpus named Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese (BCCWJ) is underway at the National Institute for Japanese Language. This corpus is a component of the KOTONOHA super-corpus that covers the full range of modern Japanese...