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    Handbook of Corpus Linguistics

    回复: Handbook of Corpus Linguistics But where can we get access to those books?:confused:
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    ESL(英语教学):Vocabulary Lists

    回复: ESL(英语教学):Vocabulary Lists excellent job! thank you
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    merci beacoup!
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    Etext: ReadBookOnline

    why can't I click these websites directly?
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    [下载]Discourse analysis

    还有一些书下载,包括语言学和现代科学,语言问题,语言论,等等 有需要的朋友可以尝试该连接
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    [下载]Discourse analysis

    This book is written by Huang Guowen in 1987. Hope this book can be useful for some of you who are interested in discourse analysis. http://lib.wyu.edu.cn/new/default.asp?cataid=34&pageno=3&keyword=
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    Second language reading and vocabulary learning

    Is there anyone who has this book? or any clue?
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    一网打尽 -- 语言学研究资源

    It makes me a little disappointed when coming to these websites. Information really related to linguistics is too little.
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    E-Text archive

    Great job! It seems that all the books are about literature.
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    thank you!
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    It's wonderful!![emq7][emm24][emb6]
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    [下载]Free downloadable books

    some information about H.G. Widdowson, Department of Linguistics, University of Edinburgh, the editor of Applied Linguistics. For about thirty years, H. G. Widdowson has been one of the most influential figures in applied linguistics. He has greatly contributed to the development of this...
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    [下载]Free downloadable books

    Below is a list of free downloadable Applied Linguistics books. You can browse the contents tables, download the PDF format files, and even print out chapters of interest An Applied Linguistic Approach To Discourse Analysis,Unpublished Ph.D. thesis by H.G. Widdowson, Department of Linguistics...
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    [推荐]关于SLA 的经典之作

    [download]Conditions for Second Language Learning by Bernard Spolsky http://www.oup.com/elt/catalogue/guidance_articles/LoC_Conditions_Second_Lang_Learn?cc=global This book can be download from this connection
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    Applied Linguistic Approach To Discourse Analysis

    An Applied Linguistic Approach To Discourse Analysis Unpublished Ph.D. thesis by H.G. Widdowson, Department of Linguistics, University of Edinburgh, May 1973 http://www.oup.com/elt/catalogue/guidance_articles/discourse_analysis? Overview For about thirty years, H. G. Widdowson has been...
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    Thank u for your support, Liu!
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    [推荐]关于SLA 的经典之作

    SLA Research and Language Teaching,by Rod Ellis http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/?ci=9780194372152 Description This book presents SLA research as a source of specifications for teachers to explore in their own classrooms. The author sees the four main roles of SLA researchers as developing...
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    Problems & Solutions - Lexis at Pre-Intermediate Level by Emma Worrall http://www.developingteachers.com/articles_tchtraining/lexis1_emma.htm Teaching Learner Strategies for Vocabulary Acquisition by Darron Board http://www.developingteachers.com/articles_tchtraining/lstrats1.htm...
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    Vocabulary Notebooks C Ways to make them work by Robert Ledbury http://www.developingteachers.com/articles_tchtraining/vbooks1_robert.htm Teaching vocabulary to L2 learners by Kendall Peet http://www.developingteachers.com/articles_tchtraining/vocabulary1_kendall.htm Teaching...