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    缅怀 Dr Richard Xiao 肖忠华教授

    好久没来这里。。。 我曾经跟肖老师一起工作过一段时间,很是佩服他的学问和扶持后学的热情。 早先知晓他的病情其实有段时间了,总觉得国外的医疗条件好,应该可以治愈。所以得知他去世的消息还是很惊讶,很痛惜。 愿天国再没有疾病困扰,一切安好!
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    求文献:Altenberg, B. 1999. “Adverbial connectors in English and Swedish: Semantic and lexical correspon

    Altenberg, B. 1999. “Adverbial connectors in English and Swedish: Semantic and lexical correspondences”. In Out of Corpora. Studies in Honour of Stig Johansson, H. Hasselgård and S. Oksefjell (eds), 249–268. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 这篇文章提到mutual correspondence的定义等,国内曾有学者引用。 不知道哪位手头有这本书或这篇文章,是否可以分享一下?多谢!
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    回复: 统计之都-R在中国的大本营 为什么我点击进入该网站的时候电脑出现360的木马报错?有C友访问时出现类似情况吗?
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    Frequency is unconscious

    回复: Frequency is unconscious Jiajin, I'd like to add several intersting papers on probability and UG and language learning to your thread:) best regards http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~ycharles/papers/crunch.pdf http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~ycharles/papers/lingua-yang.pdf...
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    回复: 做个自动判断作文coherence的程序有希望吗? wow wow:) I'm glad to hear that. I guess you must have read a lot of papers by Daniel Marcu. And also the patent files by Burnstein et al. for the ETS e-rater. Kindly please keep me informed:)
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    求助 汉藏双语语料库

    回复: 求助 汉藏双语语料库 社科院民族所江荻老师那里会有。你可以在有关学术期刊中查询他的文章,找到他的邮件地址后联系他。
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    Prague Treebanking for Everyone (tutorial, Nov 28-29 2006)

    The importance of the Prague School in Computational Linguistics as well as in Theoretical Linguistics can never be undermined. For many of us here who may be interested in linguistic theories and treebanks, here is the link for some very nice video lectures and related docs...
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    [E-BOOK] How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

    回复: [E-BOOK] How to Think Like a Computer Scientist a very good book:)
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    回复: [E-BOOK] SPEECH and LANGUAGE PROCESSING "The MT chapter has been extensively rewritten and a significant new section added covering statistical MT, including IBM Model 1, Model 3, and HMM alignment. A new evaluation section covering human evaluation and Bleu has also been added, as well as...
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    回复: 冯志伟教授--计算语言学家,仅和语料库语言学擦边 50 Years of Prof. Feng Zhiwei for Research of Computational Linguistics 一位信息时代新语言学者的人生历程 ——纪念冯志伟先生从事计算语言学研究五十年 http://ling.cuc.edu.cn/htliu/feng/zwfeng-50year.pdf
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    Design of A Subtitle Corpus (MMSC) and Its Applications

    回复: Design of A Subtitle Corpus (MMSC) and Its Applications wow, very promising:) awaiting your further reports...
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    回复: 中文助手,基于语料库和计算语言学的在线汉语词典字典 interesting. could you kindly share with us the composition of your database? thanks.
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    UCLA Symposium on Corpus and Discourse Approaches to Chinese Linguistics

    回复: UCLA Symposium on Corpus and Discourse Approaches to Chinese Linguistics uhm, very interesting. Any abstracts/drafts available now?
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    回复: [求助]有没有可供下载的小型汉英平行语料库? mmmm, very good, thanks.
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    [ebook]A New Introduction To The Study Of Text And Discourse

    回复: [ebook]A New Introduction To The Study Of Text And Discourse wow, that's a good book. thanks, laohong.
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    回复: 基于语料库的关联词识别方法 请教:里面的KDH文件怎么打开?谢谢!
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    本站组织第二次团购WordSmith Tool 4.0

    回复: 本站组织第二次团购WordSmith Tool 4.0 I'd love to get a copy of the software, since I missed the first purchase last spring. Kindly please let us know the deadline. Best regards.
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    Funtional Words Stoplist

    Thanks for the messages, dr. xu. It's really helpful. I would be happier if there was a list of such words in Chinese. best regards,
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    Biber Paper Spoken & Written Textual Dimensions

    Re: Biber Paper Spoken & Written Textual Dimensions thanks, you are always very helpful!