求C Gitsaki 文章,以下几篇只有有哪篇都行:
1. The Development of ESL Collocational Knowledge
2. Patterns in the development of English collocational knowledge: Some pedagogical implications
3. Second Language Lexical Acquisition: A Study of the Development of Collocational Knowledge
不知谁有,恳请慷慨解囊!C Gitsaki...
回复: 请教
Dr Xiao, Unit 6 is linked to a wrong site. i'm not sure whether it's my PC's problem or sth else. I'm so frustrated that i can't read it. I'll check that page later.
标准频数应怎样求得?公式是(单词频率/语料库容量)*100,000 还是乘以10,000?这个数值是不是不固定啊?when doing corpus studies, collocation for example, is it necessary to get this value?
what about lemmatisation? How to lemmatise a wordlist?
回复: Qs about wordSmith & AntConc
Thank you,Haiyang. I have AntConc and WS 3.0 at hand. Different tools generate different statistical results for the same file. Since they are similar, i just choose one i like?
回复: Qs about wordSmith & AntConc
Thank you, armstrong. It's shameful that i don't know AntConc has MI and T-value statistical measures. Could you tell me how to get MI and T-value in AntConc?
回复: 请教
Many thanks, Dr. Xiao. About Normalised frequency, i can not get access to that pdf document. It can't open.
查资料看到Standardised TTR 就是每一千词算TTR值,再求其平均值。是不是一般都用WordSmith 得到这个值呢?
Both wordSmith & AntConc can be used for word concordaces. They are very similar in their functions. It seems WordSmith is used more widely in corpus studies. If i want to do research on collocations, which one should i use?